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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
Note: IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5x Developer Tools 22.2, IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.x Developer Tools 22.2 and IBM Liberty Developer Tools 22.2 will collectively be referred to as WDT 22.2 in this blog post.
In trying to get WDT to run on the latest Eclipse IDE levels, this is an approach that I found to work. Capturing the steps to share with the community.
WDT 22.2 was tested for use with Eclipse 2022-03.
However, you can install it with Eclipse 2022-12-R by following the instructions provided below. These instructions will guide you through the steps of upgrading Eclipse from 2022-03-R to Eclipse 2022-12-R, so that you can successfully use the WDT 22.2 release of your choice.
The upgrade instructions are captured from the Eclipse documentation in How do I upgrade Eclipse IDE?.
If you try to install WDT 22.2 with one of the later versions of Eclipse (2022-06-R , 2022-09-R, 2022-12-R) using the following steps, you will see The installation cannot be completed as requested in the Confirm Selected Features window:
If you select the option to update all the packages, you will find this fails. See the following steps which describe this.