WebSphere Application Server & Liberty

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WebSphere Liberty for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

By Graham Charters posted Mon November 28, 2022 06:06 AM


UPDATED to reflect the release by IBM and Amazon of the IBM WebSphere Liberty for Amazon EKS Partner Solution.

The 2022 WebSphere User Community Survey gave us some great insights into cloud adoption. Results showed that 47% of WebSphere applications are destined for the Cloud. We heard that over 50% of WebSphere users are planning to use the AWS Cloud - responses summed to 195% so there’s a lot of Hybrid going on! We also heard that Containers and Kubernetes were leading technologies for modern cloud-native applications.

Over the past few months, we’ve been collaborating with Amazon to address these requirements through a new Partner Solution (the new name for AWS Quick Starts) for Liberty on the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). This solution is now available in the AWS Partner Solution Portal.

The solution provisions a highly-available architecture with an EKS cluster that spans two Availability Zones, along with the WebSphere Liberty Operator ready for you to deploy your applications.  You even have the option to provide an application to be deployed during provisioning.  

If you’d like to give it a try, then check out IBM WebSphere Liberty for Amazon EKS Partner Solution and the associated deployment guide. If you have any suggestions for improvements, we’d love to hear your feedback through one of the methods, below:

If you're looking to move to the Azure Cloud, then we have IBM & Microsoft developed Azure Marketplace offers already available for Liberty on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) and traditional WebSphere on Azure VMs.

Of course, if you're looking to handle your own set-up, you can do that too.  Liberty and traditional WebSphere are supported on all leading clouds in VMs, Kubernetes, and OpenShift independent of the solutions provided by IBM.

