Are you waiting to use Jakarta EE 9.1 together with MicroProfile?Your wait is over. Open Liberty is all you need.
MicroProfile 5.0, released in December 2021 aligns with Jakarta EE 9.1. Open Liberty, released in January 2022, supports both Jakarta EE 9.1 and MicroProfile 5.0. With this release, you can use jakarta.* namespace.
Open Liberty is the first runtime that supports both of the latest releases. Open Liberty is also the compatible implementation for releasing MicroProfile 5.0 (see
here for more details). This clearly demonstrate the great ecosystem among the open source communities. Check out
this blog for more details on Open Liberty
In summary, you can simply add the following in your server.xml to use both Jakarta EE 9.1 and MicroProfile 5.0.
If you would like to migrate your existing application to jakarta namespece, you might want to use
Eclipse Transformer to assist you. For instructions on how to use Eclipse Transformer, please read
this blog.
Alternatively, if you build a new cloud-native application, please use
Open Liberty Starter to get started.
Interested in knowing more about MicroProfile 4.1, 5.0 and beyond? If yes, watch
this session with a live demo of using MicroProfile 5.0 with some usage of Eclipse Transformer at the conference of JChampion 2022.