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Andrew Martinez is a Test Automation Engineer for Aspera, heavily involved in continuous integration and testing, creating, and maintaining test framework for Web Applications. Mr. Martinez has been an active consumer and contributor of the IBM Community. He was one of our top contributors in the Continuous Testing community in April 2021.
With a degree in Psychology but a calling for technology, Mr. Martinez was eagerly looking for the right opportunity to follow his passion. He was hired into IBM Aspera in 2017 as a manual tester and eventually realized a lot of what he did could be automated and given his foundational knowledge in computer science and self-teaching technology coupled with the IBM leadership and mentorship, he grew to become a Test Automation Engineer, and being a good one at that.
For Mr. Martinez the IBM community has been a great wealth of knowledge. As a big consumer of the community himself, he says “Community is how I learnt, it was through the articles, people took the time to post, and being able to learn from those articles, the knowledge shares and being inspired by it, challenged by it and even think critically about it when I disagreed with a methodology”. The learnings and the curiosity of how he can contribute got him to write his first blog on Cypress Test Automation & Continuous Integration.
In his free time, he loves reading, drumming, playing the piano and going on hikes. He loves giving back to his community – with covid posing some serious challenges to students, he helps mentoring college students at UC Berkeley and UC Merced. Special mention about his efforts in helping mentoring elementary schools kids in Oakland which he says “has been such a rewarding and a humbling experience”.