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Jakarta Batch Post 113: Jakarta Batch Issues

By David Follis posted Wed October 21, 2020 08:27 AM

This post is part of a series delving into the details of the JSR-352 (Java Batch) specification. Each post examines a very specific part of the specification and looks at how it works and how you might use it in a real batch application.

To start at the beginning, follow the link to the first post.

The next post in the series is here.

This series is also available as a podcast on iTunesGoogle PlayStitcher, or use the link to the RSS feed

If you’ve been reading these blog posts for a while you probably know that JSR-352 is the Java Batch specification that’s part of Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE for short).  You might also know that it is now called Jakarta EE.  There’s a whole lot involved in that which I’m not going to get into.  But the bit we care about here is that JSR-352 is now Jakarta Batch.  The official home is here

The home for the source of the actual specification is now in github here.  And being in github means we can have issues (which is ‘github’ for any defect, suggestion, or other thing you’d like to have changed).  To just lay the groundwork for any future enhancements to the spec, we opened up issues for all the things we had, either in the old repository or just tucked away in notes and other things.  And doing all that gave me a chance to read over some of them and I thought maybe it might make for some interesting blog posts.

Over the coming weeks I’ll be selecting some issues from the list at the link above and just talking about what it means, why we might want it, and maybe how it might work.  I should be clear, first of all, that talking about it here in no way indicates a preference for that particular item or that it has any more or less chance of getting into a future release (or even suggests that there might be one of those).  If you’re interested in any of that sort of thing, I’d suggest you get involved in the online project.  This is all open source, so everybody can help.

Well, if none of those are the reasons why I am talking about particular issues, how did I pick them?  The first criteria was that it was something I thought might make an interesting blog post.  That immediately eliminated all the ‘typo on page 86’ issues…

The second criteria was that it was something I understood.  I’ll be honest and say that there are a few of the issues that I don’t really understand.  Either I don’t follow the problem trying to be resolved or I don’t understand how the proposed solution would address it.  There are a few that just state a problem and don’t have any proposed solution.  I left those out too. 

Again, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with those issues or that they have any better or worse chance of being included in a follow-on release to the current specification.  I just thought it would make a more interesting blog post if I understood what I was talking about (you can stop laughing just any time now).

Just one more time…if you find some proposal in the following weeks that makes you say “Wow…I wish we had that” get involved in the project and help make it happen. 

