Getting Started
Our last App Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye episode on IBM Expert TV addressed dealing with misbehaving Java applications. Paul Bennett joined me to demonstrate the quick and easy process of updating a Liberty application's container image to a certain level, and then reverting back to its previous level if it misbehaves. He also demonstrated a fantastic new capability in WebSphere Automation where Instana events that detected a memory leak will trigger automatic Ansible playbook execution, and the collected data can be downloaded and shared with the responsible parties.It was a very hands-on episode, with lots of demos that show how containerized deployments, the Open Liberty Operator and WebSphere Automation can all accelerate the WebSphere and Liberty operations experience.If you weren't able to catch the episode live, catch the replay here ! And please join us on Tuesday, March 15th for another episode : Modernizing JAX-RPC without source code changes .. we'll be live at 12:30pm ET.