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WebSphere ND Cluster Migration: Moving to Liberty made easier

By Cindy High posted Mon October 03, 2022 09:29 AM

Just out in Transformation Advisor (TA) 3.3.0 is a new feature to help you migrate traditional WebSphere Network Deployment (ND) clusters to Liberty running on Kubernetes. For new data collections, Transformation Advisor detects the server clusters each application is deployed to in your WebSphere ND environment and displays them in the TA workspace. You can generate a migration plan for an entire cluster of applications together.

When you create a new data collection
using the TA 3.3.0 data collector or the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries or later, more WebSphere ND cluster information and configuration is collected so that TA can configure an equivalent Liberty deployment for Kubernetes.  The cluster migration plan includes new configuration for auto-scaling and replicas as well as database-backed HTTP session persistence and transaction logging and helps you migrate groups of applications that benefit from being co-located in the same server. 

Whether you are using WebSphere
ND dynamic or static clusters, TA gives you insights that accelerate your Kubernetes deployments.
As soon as you upload the collection into TA, you will notice something new as the clusters are automatically populated on the left pane of the TA workspace view. All the applications from the WebSphere ND cluster are included in one migration plan to deploy to a single Liberty instance. 

Your existing settings in WebSphere ND give you a starting point for your Kubernetes deployment.

For example, your WebSphere ND cluster instance configuration is configured as a starting point for your Kubernetes deployment. You can easily tune to fit your new deployment needs. 

You can see cluster migration and other
new TA capabilities in action in the latest What's New video.

See the replay of our Oct 4th edition of IBM TV: App Transformers: Modernizing your WebSphere ND Clusters to Liberty where the team shows an end-to-end deep demo of cluster migration.

