Quantum Computing: What the IT Pro Needs to Know Webinar

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Quantum Computing: What the IT Pro Needs to Know Webinar 

Tue July 19, 2022 12:30 PM

Watch the On-Demand Webinar Today

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IBM is one of the industry leaders in Quantum Computing which is already garnering revenue as a cloud service. What is Quantum Computing behind all the hype? Should you care about Quantum Computing if your job is not today directly concerned with Quantum Computing?
And if so, what should you know today, and expect for tomorrow? IBM Champion and Qiskit Advocate Jack Woehr will fill you in.


Jack Woehr - IBM Champion and Qiskit Advocate
•Independent Consultant specializing in IBM i modernization
•40+ years of programming
•20 years Contributing Editor, Dr. Dobb's Journal
•IBM Champion 2021, 2022
•IBM Qiskit Advocate since 2019
•Current secretary of the OpenQASM 3 Technical Steering Committee, an industry-wide body for standardizing the basic language of gate-oriented quantum computing


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