AIOps & Management On Demand Webinars

On Demand: ASAP University: Beyond Parms and Variables Webcast Recording + Slides 

Wed October 16, 2019 07:37 PM


Do you have values that change depending on your job streams and jobs? Learn how parms and variables are used as substitutes for repetitive values when defining prompts, jobs, and job streams. Developer Paul Lester from JRIA will show you how to user variables in some new ways and share his real-world experiences with parms and variables along with tips and workarounds to increase your workload automation productivity, avoid missteps, and save your company time and money.

Paul Lester
Assistant Vice President- Senior Interface Developer
JRIA-SMBC (Japan Research Institute America-Mitsui Sumitomo Banking Corporation)

Paul Lester is an assistant vice president senior interface developer in application production support at JRIA-SMBC (Japan Research Institute America –Mitsui Sumitomo Banking Corporation). Paul started working with IBM Workload Scheduler at Prudential in 2009 on the Japanese installation of TWS 8.2 and 8.3 and the update to 8.4 and continued working with various aspects of IBM Workload Scheduler on AIX/Linux and Windows platforms. Prior to working with IBM Workload Scheduler, Paul spent 10 years in Japan programming backend for the cellphone music industry using Java, Database, and polyphonic ringtone technology. Paul graduated from Cornell University with a degree in Master of Engineering in applied physics. In his spare time, Paul plays the clarinet and just for fun he programs in Java.


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