Webinar - Modern Variant Management in the Automotive Industry with IBM ELM and pure::variants

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When:  Oct 12, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (PT)

Join  Peter Luckey, of 321 Gang, and Brett Hillhouse, IBM Automotive industry expert, in an insightful webinar that delves into the transformative power of modern variant management within the Automotive Industry. This webinar presented in collaboration with IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) and pure::variants, will shed light on how organizations can harness advanced tools to streamline their variant management processes, driving efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness.

In today's rapidly evolving automotive landscape, catering to diverse customer preferences is paramount. However, managing multiple product variants efficiently while maintaining quality and ensuring regulatory compliance can be daunting. Enter modern variant management powered by IBM ELM and pure::variants.

Brett Hillhouse will explore of how IBM ELM, a comprehensive platform for complex product and software development, combined with pure::variants, a leading variant management tool, can revolutionize the way automotive companies manage their product portfolios.  

Peter Luckey, with his expertise in systems engineering and product line engineering, will share his insights into the challenges faced by the automotive industry in variant management. He will discuss real-world scenarios, showcasing the pain points encountered in traditional approaches and how modern solutions can alleviate them. He will also provide a brief demo of variant management using IBM ELM and pure::variants.