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  • 1.  Showing property value in compartment (Rhapsody)

    Posted Wed March 16, 2022 02:45 PM
    Hi everybody,
    In a profile i'm using there are several values specified as properties. This is info i would like to see in diagrams in general, and on a class diagram in my particular case.
    So far, i have thought about using the compartments section of the classes.

    Fact is, i can only pick a subset of elements to display (e.g. Attributes, Operations, Tags, Types).
    Is it somehow possible to display a particular property value?
    I tried for example using the syntax Category.subcategory.propertyname, but obviously with no success :)
    I imagine that could be complicated for values which are not a simple string.

    One possible way would be to use the java api and create tags corresponding to the properties i'm interested into, but i would like to avoid this duplication, if possible.

    Is there maybe some undocumented feature that could help me here?
    Thanks in advance!

  • 2.  RE: Showing property value in compartment (Rhapsody)

    Posted Mon September 16, 2024 11:20 AM

    Hi Francesco,

    even though this post had not been answered before, it may still be of general interest.
    I do not see a possibility to show properties and their values in a compartment unless you create a derived tag, if you want to start from property level.

    But I do see two other possible solutions:
    1. create a custom table layout, where you can use inline Java code in custom cells to access the property values and show these values in a table view,
    2. do the tag approach the other way around... create tags to contain the required value and use conditional properties to evaluate/use the tag value inside a property

    Best regards,

    [Martin] [Stockl]
    Embedded Real-Time Systems Modeling Specialist]
    [SodiusWillert Germany]

  • 3.  RE: Showing property value in compartment (Rhapsody)

    Posted Wed September 18, 2024 09:53 AM
    Is there a video on how to do that? Thank you. 

    Sincerely, Layla

    Layla Rakaba
    Cell: 646.347.7308 | Email:

  • 4.  RE: Showing property value in compartment (Rhapsody)

    Posted Fri September 20, 2024 06:32 AM

    Hi Layla, 

    there is a detailed video, regarding how to use Java code in table layouts, created by my colleague Andy:  which is part of a series of videos: 

    Regarding the usage of tags inside of conditional properties, the Rhapsody help provides a good entry point: 

    Hope this helps,

    [Martin] [Stockl]
    Embedded Real-Time Systems Modeling Specialist]
    [SodiusWillert Germany]

  • 5.  RE: Showing property value in compartment (Rhapsody)

    Posted Fri September 20, 2024 06:38 AM
    Hello Martin, 

    Good morning. I appreciate you getting back to me. I will definitely look into that I did not see that link I've been getting so many emails it must of sinked under, but plus I been so busy with school so I apologize for that. Thank you so much.

    Sincerely, Layla

    Layla Rakaba
    Cell: 646.347.7308 | Email: