Dear all,
I have run into an issue where whenever I run Code -> Build Framework, I am getting this error message:
Executing: ""C:\ProgramData\IBM\Rational\Rhapsody\8.4\Share"\etc\msvcmake.bat msbuild.mak build x86 VC15 "LIB_PREFIX=MSVC15x86$(MT_PREFIX)" "USE_STL=FALSE" "USE_PDB=FALSE" "BUILD_SET=Debug" "USE_LIBCMT=False" "
\Common was unexpected at this time.
I am using Windows 10 (64-bit) and I am using the IBM Rational Rhapsody version 8.4. I have made several changes to my msvc.bat file but, it still doesn't work for some reason. I have modified my Visual Studio 2017 by installing all the 3 suggested components namely: Desktop Development with C++, .NET Desktop Development and Universal Windows Platform Development. It still didn't work. Here is the msvc.bat make file contents for your reference:
if "%2"=="" set target=all
if "%2"=="build" set target=all
if "%2"=="rebuild" set target=clean all
if "%2"=="clean" set target=clean
if "%4"=="VC9" set VS_PATH=%VS_2008_PATH%
if "%4"=="VC10" set VS_PATH=%VS_2010_PATH%
if "%4"=="VC11" set VS_PATH=%VS_2011_PATH%
%VS_2017_PATH% environment variable should be set to base directory of your MSVS 2017 installation. e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio.
if "%4"=="VC15" set VS_PATH="%VS_2017_PATH%"
if EXIST "%VS_PATH%" (
if "%4"=="VC15" (
goto :VS2017Execution
::IDEVersion corresponds to the version of Visual Studio.
"%4", but no Visual Studio installation was not found in the directory "%VS_PATH%".
exit /b 1
pushd "%~dp0"
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" -arch=%3
echo ``nmake.exe
nmake /nologo /S /F %1 %target% MS_VER="%4" CPU="%3" %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
exit /b 1
Furthermore, I have also set the IBM Rhapsody to use this version VC15 as its IDE under Default component -> Properties -> MSVC -> IDEversion -> VC15. I am really not sure what am I missing here even after so many suggested changes. So, it would be really great if you could provide me with a solution/suggestion for fixing this issue.
Thanks in advance to you all!