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  • 1.  Is There an API Manual Available for DOORS DXL RCR Functions?

    Posted Tue February 28, 2023 10:23 AM

    I've tried locating a manual describing what can be done with RCRs within DOORS via DXL. Examining DXL here and there in the installation files, I can find some RCR functions used, but sometimes it's hard to know what the arguments are for the functions without a manual describing the parameters. It would also be nice to know all the functions that are available for RCRs, as it makes RCR DXL development much easier and less hacky. Is there a resource listing DXL RCR functions available for DOORS?

    James Avens


  • 2.  RE: Is There an API Manual Available for DOORS DXL RCR Functions?

    Posted Wed March 01, 2023 04:11 AM

    Hello James, 

    I am afraid that kind of documentation does not exist. You can try to submit an IBM idea (formely known as request for enhancement) to have it in a future release: 

    If you have few functions (2 or 3) you need to know the parameters, tell me which ones and I will see what I can do...


  • 3.  RE: Is There an API Manual Available for DOORS DXL RCR Functions?

    Posted Wed March 01, 2023 08:11 PM

    Hey Romain, thanks for clarifying about the situation.

    Do you know the function to get the proposed object values associated with an RCR when in review mode?

    When I'm working on in RCR and after applying the RCR, the objects have their proposed values in their attributes, but when in review mode, I only see the values listed within a layout DXL column and not from within the modified objects themselves.

    Also, by chance, is there a function to determine if the module is currently in RCR review mode? I wanted to implement some code only when in review mode.

    James Avens

  • 4.  RE: Is There an API Manual Available for DOORS DXL RCR Functions?

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 06:26 AM

    Hello James,

    I did not find anything related to your first query: the function to get the proposed object values associated with an RCR when in review mode

    However, I found a function that might help you to determine if the module is currently in RCR review mode:

    bool cmHasReviewFlagFile(Module m)

    it returns true if the module is currently open in review edit mode by the this same current user.

    else it returns false.

    Hope that help



  • 5.  RE: Is There an API Manual Available for DOORS DXL RCR Functions?

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 10:20 PM

    Hey, Romain, thanks for the function determining if the module is in review mode! 

    James Avens