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Error while backlink creation to ALM

  • 1.  Error while backlink creation to ALM

    Posted Tue December 05, 2023 11:42 PM

    Hi All,

    Recently our ALM hosting server has been migrated from Websphere to Liberty. After which our DXL Script to create external links to ALM applications are failing with the below error.

    OSLC resource update failed with HTTP code 405

    Script used - createBackLink(strOSLCLinkURI,strRQMLinkType,strDOORSObjText,strDOORSObjURL, strDOORSObjIdentifier)

    This error occurs during the backlink creation. Do we need to add any additional request/authentication in the script due to this server change ?

    Have anyone faced this issue earlier. Please help us to resolve this issue.

    Sharmili Natarajan