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  • 1.  DOORS - Exporting Logic Flow Diagram with Searchable Text

    Posted Wed January 18, 2023 09:26 AM
    I work in control logic which makes my requirements largely diagram/picture based. Is there a method of using DOORS which allows me to store all of these figures, as well as allowing them to be text-searchable upon exporting? I have tried using Visio and RTF formats. While these import nicely into DOORS, I do not get searchable text when exporting.

    Megan Wolfe


  • 2.  RE: DOORS - Exporting Logic Flow Diagram with Searchable Text

    Posted Sun January 22, 2023 08:18 AM
    DOORS imports them as OLE Images. Images are not searchable. You can have an attribute in DOORS Module where you can feed in those text for searching. And later export those attributes also. Can connect with you personally evaluate your import export process & advice you accordingly. For quicker response, please write to chidambaram (at)

    Chidambaram Lakshmanan ALM Consultant
    ALM Consultant
    PESIL Technologies

  • 3.  RE: DOORS - Exporting Logic Flow Diagram with Searchable Text

    Posted Tue January 24, 2023 09:31 AM

    Thank you very much for your reply. I am curious, our existing logic flow diagrams are in FrameMaker, which I've come to learn is why they are text searchable after converting to a pdf. While I can see DOORS will export a FrameMaker *.mif file, I'm not sure how to get the figure back in.


    When importing a FrameMaker file, the image will import like this:


    I have experimented with exporting back to FrameMaker, but I only have that text "FRAMEMAKER: picture stored with this object". Do you have any experience with how to get that picture back into the exported file? Or how to access it somehow from DOORS? We could continue to maintain these diagrams in FM if it were possible to still generate a final document from DOORS that will grab the FM pictures, create the mif file, and then we can create the pdf from FM, which would maintain our searchable logic flow diagrams.


    Thank you,

    Megan Wolfe


  • 4.  RE: DOORS - Exporting Logic Flow Diagram with Searchable Text

    Posted Wed January 25, 2023 12:55 AM
    Edited by System Test Wed March 22, 2023 11:43 AM
    As there are multiple methods to import images & files, I am unable to visualize your steps for Framemaker file Import. Demo would help to understand. It has been sometime that I have used Frame maker with DOORS.
    Alternately please raise a PMR with IBM Support.

    Chidambaram Lakshmanan
    ALM Consultant
    PESIL InfoSol Pvt Ltd, an IBM Partner