IBM TechXchange ANZ Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) User Group

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First ELM User Group in 2024 –Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane !!

By Denice Wong posted Tue June 11, 2024 09:03 PM


In the last two weeks, we hosted the 2024 ELM user group breakfast meetups in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. I am delighted to see a lot of familiar at these events again.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to attend the event and become part of our growing community of ELM users.

We had 50+ people registered in the Melbourne meetups, 40+ for Sydney and almost 20 for Brisbane. It was nice to reconnect with old friends again and get to know some new friends.

Melbourne User Group
Sydney User Group
Brisbane User Group

In the meetup, Cathy Xu and Srinivas Mandava from our support team presented and demonstrated the new LQE RS features. They also provided some tricks and tips for those of you  who are planning to upgrade their reporting to the latest v7.0.3 version.

LQE presentation

We are also exciting to have Peter Morgenthaler from BAE System Australia to share their experience in using Global Configuration Management (GCM) with our ELM solutions. Peter provided the basic concept of GCM and how BAE use it in their real-life projects. This provided valuable insights for customers who are considering using GCM in their organization. Customer sharing is always a popular topic in our user groups and we received much positive feedback from other customers on this. We hope to see more sharing in the future events.

BAE SharingPeter from BAE Sharing their GCM experience

Last but not least, we have our WatsonX SMEs, Langley Millard and Saeed Kasmani co-presented with Andreas Gschwind on the ELM and AI session. They introduced the basic concepts on WatsonX to the customer. And the most interesting part is the AI use cases in the ELM solution and the PoC demonstration. We encourage the ELM customers to participate in WatsonX pilot projects enabling us to collaborate on creating practical AI use cases for system engineering solutions..

ELM and AI
ELM and AI - Sydney

Again, as we move forward, we continue to encourage everyone to stay connected and engaged with our community. We will continue to provide resources, updates, and future opportunities to support the professional growth and facilitate collaboration within the engineering industry in Australia.

You can download the presentation files in the meetup from here.

Besides, some extra photos can be found here.
