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Best Practices for IBM Engineering Workflow Management Source Code Management

By Arun Sriramaiah posted Mon June 19, 2023 02:52 AM


Best Practices for IBM EWM Engineering Workflow Management Source Code Management

IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) is a powerful tool for managing software development projects. Effective source code management is crucial for any EWM implementation to ensure that changes are tracked, versioned, and tested before being deployed to production environments. Here are some best practices for IBM EWM source code management:

1. Use Version Control

Version control is a system that records changes to files over time, allowing you to track and manage different versions of your code. EWM is an enterprise version control system that is widely used in enterprise software development. Collaborate with other developers, and revert to previous versions if necessary.

2. Create Branches

Branches allow you to work on different versions of your code simultaneously without affecting the main codebase. You can create branches for new features, bug fixes, or experiments, and merge them back into the main codebase when they are ready. This allows you to test changes before deploying them to production environments.

3. Use a Code Review Process

Code reviews are an essential part of source code management. They ensure that code changes are reviewed, tested, and approved by other developers before being merged into the main codebase. Code reviews help to identify bugs, potential security issues, and other problems before they are deployed to production environments.

4. Test Changes Before Deployment

Before deploying changes to production environments, it is essential to test them thoroughly. This includes unit testing, integration testing, and regression testing. Testing helps to ensure that changes do not introduce new bugs or break existing functionality.

5. Document Changes

Documentation is essential for maintaining and updating EWM source code. Documenting changes helps other developers understand the purpose and impact of the changes, making it easier to maintain and update the codebase in the future.

6. Use Automation

Automation can help to streamline the source code management process. This includes automated builds, tests, and deployments. By using automation, you can reduce the risk of human error, speed up the development process, and ensure that changes are deployed consistently across different environments.


Effective source code management is essential for successful IBM EWM implementations. By using version control, creating branches, using a code review process, testing changes before deployment, documenting changes, and using automation, you can ensure that your EWM source code is tracked, versioned, tested, and deployed consistently across different environments. This will help to ensure that your EWM implementation is reliable, maintainable, and scalable.
