Accelerate your journey to AI infused order fulfillment with Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer

When:  Jul 21, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ET)

Is your Ship From Store program costing you a small fortune in shipping and other fulfillment costs?  Do you have layers upon layers of complex sourcing and fulfillment rules with static assumptions that may or may not consistently reflect your business objectives?  Have you evaluated order sourcing optimization engines in the past and decided they were too complex or time consuming to implement?  Do you struggle with providing visibility and transparency to your end users regarding "why" orders were fulfilled from a given node or nodes?  If any of these apply to your business, IBM Expert Lab Services has a webinar for you!  Please join to learn how you can begin evaluating IBM Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer with the IBM Expert Lab Services Fulfillment Optimizer Starter Kit in as little as 2-3 weeks.

Ryan O’Halloran
Ryan O’Halloran
Sterling Implementation Manager

Ryan O'Halloran is IBM's implementation leader for Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer. In total, he has 20 years of experience in the retail industry. He has spent the last few years helping retailers make the transition from traditional rules-based e-commerce order fulfillment to AI and ML embedded optimized order fulfillment decisions. When not deploying cloud software, Ryan enjoys personally visiting the clouds by piloting light aircraft.

Akhil Pawar
Akhil Pawar
Senior Consultant - Sterling Commerce

Akhil Pawar is a Senior Consultant for IBM's Order Management products. He has over 15 years of experience working on OMS and relevant implementations. He has spent the last few years doing the cloud implementations for OMS and new AI based products such as Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer. When not working for IBM, Akhil likes to spend time playing tennis, music, flight simulation and learning foreign languages.

Pradyumnha Kowlani
Pradyumnha Kowlani
Managing Consultant - IBM Sterling Applications

Prady (Pradyumnha) Kowlani is a Managing Consultant in IBM Sterling Expert Labs. He has over 13 years’ experience in building omnichannel fulfillment solutions for retailers using the IBM Sterling suite of products. He has defined and implemented order-sourcing and fulfillment solutions for multiple customers using IBM Sterling Order Management, and, more recently, Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer.
