In our solution for Indian retail business, we have batch (MRP) based inventory for all the items in OMS. Below are more details on solution :
1.SAP sends PO-GRN with item batch and quantity (Batch is MRP)
2.WMS adjusts location inventory based on batch with inventory status onhand/held.
3.OMS adjust inventory for each FC based on batch with status onhand/held.
4.In OMS/WMS, at a time only one batch inventory can be onhand .
5.Frontend maintains only one onhand batch inventory at a time and the same batch (MRP) visible to customers.
6. Inventory gets reserved by passing the batch.
6. To change the status of batch inventory, business teams flip the batch from held to onhand or vice versa.
7. By this, we achieve two business use cases :
# MRP shows on the website will be booked for order inventory.
# Picking/packing of the same inventory is mandatory.
But this solution is a blocker for multiple future use cases and there is impact on the performance because HOT SKU funtionality not eligible tag control items.
Are there other ways to achieve business use cases without impacting customer and remove the tag inventory from OMS ?
Hemant Verma