Order management & Fulfillment

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  • 1.  Order Management Suite Demo Day - Q2 2023 - Recording posted

    User Group Leader
    Posted Wed June 14, 2023 02:42 AM


    On June 13, 2023 IBM presented the new features released in Q2 2023.

    We discussed the following Agenda:

    1. Sterling Intelligent Promising - latest features and enhancements
    2. Enhancements to Self Service Tooling for Call Center Integrations
    3. Create returns & manage customers from the new Call Center UI
    4. Order Hub customization - Frequently asked customization
    5. Sterling Intelligent Promising - Containers launch readiness 

    Here is the recording: https://ibm.box.com/v/OMSDemoDayQ22023

    Here are the recording timeline markers with agenda topics:
       00:00 - Welcome
       00:20 - Overview
       08:46 - Unified experience from pre-purchase to post purchase
       14:21 - Platform Extensibility
       20:51 - Transparency with Promising and Fulfillment
       26:06 - Inventory Search
       34:19 - Onboarding OMoC 2.0 customers to the Call Center Next Gen
       43:52 - Create returns and manage customers
    1:01:22 - Order Hub customization
    1:42:44 - Sterling Intelligent Promising – Containers

    Shishir Saha Offering Manager, Sterling Order Managment

  • 2.  RE: Order Management Suite Demo Day - Q2 2023 - Recording posted

    Posted 10 days ago

    Hello - the link to the recording is not accessible. Can you please repost? Thank you!

    Anna Sabol

  • 3.  RE: Order Management Suite Demo Day - Q2 2023 - Recording posted

    Posted 10 days ago

    Hi Anna, As per general guidelines, the shared link is set to expire after a year. I shall check if we can revive and reshare the link and update you..

    Anju Govind