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Missing MESA for custom service or adapter development? Try Apache Maven

By Tanvi Kakodkar posted Fri September 04, 2020 11:12 AM


IBM has withdrawn Mesa Editor and Studio, a services development kit (SDK), and entered it into retired status in IBM Sterling B2B Integrator (B2Bi) v5.2.6.

We know many customers and software developers love MESA Studio SDK and are looking for alternatives to extend B2Bi for their complex file transfer requirements. Although there are no comparable alternatives to MESA on the market now, Apache Maven can help customers and developers by simplifying custom service development.

After reviewing Apache Maven myself, I think one thing it’s missing is a "Hello, world!" program that helps users get acquainted with the tool. So let's work through a scenario together that retrieves a service parameter and updates process data. This example is simple but it still illustrates how to write and build a custom service using Apache Maven in Eclipse.

1) Minimum Prerequisites

1.1) IBM JDK 1.7
1.2) Eclipse - Neon Release (4.6.0)
1.3) IBM Sterling B2B Integrator v5.2.6.x

2) Create a maven project

3) Update java build path with below jars

4) Create local-maven-repo (local repository),folder structures(servicedefs, src->main->assembly)

Create the application file. The file will be created in the directory HelloWorld/src/ Copy and paste the code below into the application. “processData(..)” is the entry point for the custom service.

6) HelloWorldService.xml

Create the HelloWorldService.xml file. The file will be created in this directory: HelloWorld/resources/servicedefs/. Copy and paste the code below into the HelloWorldService.xml file. This file contains the definition of service and parameters.

7) serviceinstances.xml
Create the serviceinstances.xml file. The file will be created in the directory HelloWorld/resources. Copy and paste the code below into the serviceinstances.xml file. This file contains the service configuration

8) Maven Assembly Plugin - default.xml
Create the Maven Assembly Plugin - default.xml file. The file will be created in the directory HelloWorld/src/main/assembly/. Copy and paste the code below into the default.xml file.

9) pom.xml
Copy and paste the code below into pom.xml

10) HelloWorld-0.1-bin.jar

9.1) Check for compilation errors.
9.2) Right-click on pom.xml->Run As->Maven install which creates service jar – HelloWorld-0.1-bin.jar in "target" folder.

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Author: Kalyan Pavan Kishore Chakravarthula