IBM Supply Chain Intelligence Suite - IBM Food Trust

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Request for Enhancement Guidance

By Jordan Pendleton posted Fri November 04, 2022 01:15 PM


IBM uses the Request for Enhancement program to collect and track customer input on future product enhancements. Once they have submitted their enhancement requests, customers will receive feedback from the Supply Chain Intelligence Suite team and automated updates when their requests reaches certain milestones on its way to deployment

For customers:

  1. Access
  2. Select “Add new idea…”
  3. From the “Product” dropdown, based on application enhancement refers to select:
    • Supply Chain Intelligence Suite: Transparent Supply Application
    • Supply Chain Intelligence Suit: Control Tower
  4. Fill out the following sections:
    • “Your idea” – think of this as the title
    • “Description” – Please provide as much detail as possible about the idea. If additional detail is needed, an IBM representative will reach out
    • “Idea priority” – If urgent and causing business disruption, consider creating a support case instead (
    • “Needed by”


Customers can return at any time to to add additional information through comments, review comments from the Supply Chain Intelligence Suite team, and view the status of your request by selecting the “My Ideas” section in the left navigation panel.

