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IBM Sterling OMS Performance Insights - Part 2

By Aishwarya Saraswathi H M posted Tue March 16, 2021 11:23 AM

Avoid redundant organization configuration

Last month, we launched a new blog series aimed at providing tips on how to optimize performance of your IBM Sterling OMS, including common issues that affect performance and best practices for addressing them.We will also look at some of the real-world performance issues customers have faced and how they were resolved.

Here, in our second performance insight blog, we’re going to show you how to avoid redundant organization configurations in your Sterling OMS for better performance.

Problem Statement

Additional invocations of Java methods, queries and UEs due to non-compartment organization setup.



In this example, a customer has 4 production compartments (i.e., 4 OMS instances).

  • Europe Compartment (EU) - 17 Countries
  • Asia Pacific Compartment (AP) – 3 Countries
  • North America Compartment (NA)- 2 Countries
  • China Compartment (CN) – 1 Country

During a load test in the EU Compartment, the customer observed a high execution time for some of the components, including Activity Based RTAM.

Below are some of the additional observations on further analysis:

  • Additional queries were triggered against YFS_INVENTORY_ITEM and YFS_INVENTORY_NODE_CONTROL table. Most of the queries were related to non-compartment organizations.
  • Additional invocations of Java methods and UEs.
  • Impacted Performance of Create order, Schedule Order, Release Order, RTAM components.   


The customer has the same Master Configuration (MC) for all 4 OMS instances, resulting in non-compartment organizations being setup in each instance which created unnecessary work.

The impact was greater on the CN and NA compartments which had only 1 or 2 retailers, but still queries fired against EU and AP compartment organizations.



Fix Provided

  • Removed non-compartment Warehouse organizations from the Consumable Inventory Organization list.
  • Deleted Available to Promise (ATP) Rules for non-compartment Warehouse Zone Level under the Global Inventory Visibility (GIV) Module.
  • Changed non-compartment retail units Inventory Organization, Capacity Organization, Warehouse organizations by using the API manageOrganizationHierarchy
  • Deleted non-compartment Distribution Groups by using the API manageDistributionRule
  • Deleted the non-compartment Warehouse organization Inventory Monitoring Rule by using the API



Performance Improvement

The above fixes delivered the following benefits:

  • Eliminated unnecessary processing, thus reducing the load on the DB.


Fig 1. a) Reduced the number of executions on YFS_INVENTORY_NODE_CONTROL from 0.9 Billion to 0.15 Billion (6 times lesser)


  • Reduced the average execution time for order flow and inventory components across all the compartments.


Fig 1. b) Reduced the number. of executions on YFS_INVENTORYITEMfrom 6.34 Billion to 4.83 Billion (1.3 times lesser)

  • Improved production compartment performance as show below.

Fig 2. a) Improvement in EU Production Compartment after the fix


Fig 2. b) Improvement in AP Production Compartment after the fix

For more details on this particular scenario, please contact me @aisara18 ​and stay tuned for the next blog in this series. 

In case you missed the first blog of the series, have a look at IBM Sterling OMS Performance Insights - Part 1

