Getting Started
              Missed IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents? On-demand viewing is available here
As part of the new feature added into Release 5.0.4 for IBMâ„¢ Spectrum Scale , you can now configure authentication with AD + RFC2307 schema where the domains may have overlapping unixmap ranges We have seen in some cases where there are two or more domains in an environment where the same...
If you are looking for ways to check AD related settings like User Info, Group Info, DC info or even ID Mapping related info then this article will help you. In Spectrum Scale we have a very useful tool, "mmadquery". Using this tool/command you can query the AD server to get the following...
The new release of IBM Spectrum Control , V5.3.2 consists of many user improvements that will save you time and effort. These improvements are based on feedback from our beta program as well as discussions from field personnel and customers. Very simply, you spoke; we listened! ...
#ibm #Flash #FlashSystem #Storage
Published on Apr 27, 2016 Part 2 of this 3 part series on optimizing your storage economics. With pattern removal, deduplication, and compression, IBM FlashSystem A9000 and IBM FlashSystem A9000R are designed to provide the data reduction capabilities needed for all environments. From the...
#ibm #FlashSystem #Flash #Storage
#Storage #Flash #FlashSystem #ibm