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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
Executive Summary The I/O Operations (I/O Ops) component of System Automation for z/OS (SAFOS) has been used by z/OS clients to manage the FICON I/O switch configuration, make configuration changes and display status information. In July of 2014 the IBM System Automation for z/OS product team...
Executive Summary IBM recommends that clients exploit the “ Improved Channel Path Recovery ” (ICR) function , first delivered in z/OS 1.13 (2011), to quickly fence failing I/O resources and minimize any impact on the production work load. The ICR function allows clients to set a z/OS policy...
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Here is a new article describing the benefits of the DS8000 zHyperLink technology for IBM Z and the z14. DS8000 zHyperLinks for IBM Z and the z14 #Cloudstorage #Data-centricdesign #DS8000 #EnterpriseStorage #Flashstorage #ibmaot #IBMaotMainframeDS8000IBMz #IBMz ...