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The word is out! The number of customers using IBM Storage Insights grew in leaps and bounds in 2019 and shows no signs of slowing down in 2020. This easy to use, fast-growing #IBMCloud service can help you predict and prevent problems on your storage devices before they impact your business....
IBM Storage Insights is the #IBMCloud service that helps you predict and prevent problems on your storage devices before they impact your business. You might have already heard the industry buzz and are interested in more technical details, but don't have the time to go hunting for it. You...
AWS is a great place for those, who hug their workloads not servers. But there was always a challenge for applications when it comes to find the right fit filesystem in the cloud which can scale up as their workloads grow. IBM Spectrum Scale™ addresses the needs of such applications for which...
Now that we have seen how to configure IBM Spectrum Scale™ with Automatic ID Mapping for Windows Only environment , we can move to configuring Active directory for Mixed Environment. For a mixed environment which comprises of Windows Clients as well as UNIX clients for FILE access, we support:...
Configuring AD-based authentication with LDAP ID mapping This method provides a way for IBM Spectrum Scale™ to read ID mappings from an LDAP server as defined in RFC2307. Mappings must be provided in advance by the administrator by creating the user accounts in the AD server and the...
When we think about purchasing a car, there are some features and function that are often desired as we compare vehicles: Speed The “Need for Speed” Top Speed Acceleration: How fast can you go 0-60? Reliability Can your vehicle last the test of time? Is it...
Continuing with the series of blogs on Authentication, let's see the details on how we can configure IBM Spectrum Scale™ with Active Directory. Configuring IBM Spectrum Scale™ Authentication using Active Directory You can configure authentication using Active Directory to enable read and...
Planning NFS Access This article discusses how to prepare your cluster for NFS Access. Following figure explains the NFS Architecture for IBM Spectrum Scale™. NFS Clients make requests to access data stored on IBM Spectrum Scale™ via NFS Mounts. Through a Load Balancer or by using DNS...
Sometimes it’s a good thing to be in total control of a situation especially when you are a storage administrator dealing with your #storage business environment. By taking control of the increased demands on your #data and storage environment, you can achieve better savings for your...