Primary Storage

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  • 1.  V3700 help needed

    Posted Tue November 22, 2022 04:37 PM
    I have a V3700 2072-24C that crashed and I can get in to the GUI interface by going to the IP. But isn't there a Windows based tool I need to be able to manage this thing? My old machine with that tool didn't get saved, so now I don't seem to have the software. Of course it's not in a service plan and they won't let me add it. Can anyone help me? Suggestions?

    Billy Elliott


  • 2.  RE: V3700 help needed

    Posted Wed November 23, 2022 02:17 AM
    The only tools you need are a web browser and SSH client, like the ssh command or PuTTY.

    Zaki Jääskeläinen

  • 3.  RE: V3700 help needed

    Posted Wed November 23, 2022 10:10 AM
    Edited by System Test Wed March 08, 2023 03:53 PM
    Hi.  The v3700 is manageable via the local GUI or the CLI through that IP you have.  Technically, it should have 3 IPs.  One on each controller for the "service" connection and one "floating" IP for management.  Are you logged into one of the "service" IP maybe?  Where you can manage the storage unit but not create LUNs and the such? 
    As far as the software, I believe you may be thinking of "Storage Manager" which used to be a Windows' based installer that you could manage older "DS" storage arrays, like the DS5000, DCs3700 etc...
