IBM FlashSystem

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  • 1.  Stopping PB Replication

    Posted Mon September 16, 2024 04:42 AM

    Hello all,

    We currently use Policy-Based replication between two Flashsystems (8.7.0.x).
    Previously we used Consistancy Groups and GlobalMirror with Change Volumes.
    In the past if maintenance was required on the lines between the two sites or we wanted to decrease the replication load, we could temporarily stop the replication in a controlled manner (stoprcconsistgrp) and then restart it (startrcconsistgrp).
    Now (with PB Repl) you can of course stop the partnership, but then all synchronization (volume groups) will stop.

    Question: Is there another way to stop policy-based replication?



  • 2.  RE: Stopping PB Replication

    Posted Tue September 17, 2024 03:59 AM


    By design it will continue running if the partnership is connected. Replication can continue during maintenance on the links, although the throughput may degrade, and the system is designed to handle this. You can also apply different replication policies with different RPOs to the volume groups and if the link bandwidth is insufficient then the system will automatically prioritise the volume groups with lower RPOs.

    If you want to completely stop replication for a volume group you can make the recovery copy independent (equivalent to stop-with-access for Global Mirror). 

    Chris Bulmer