Data Protection Software

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  • 1.  SAP Restore is failing with unknown reason

    Posted Tue April 09, 2019 12:44 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri June 19, 2020 11:37 AM
    ​Hi ALL,

    I am doing a SAP refresh activity, I have taken offline db backup of PRD system and now I am restoring on quality system but facing issue not able to understand where I am going wrong. I have restore the control file from below command.

    brrestore -b bfavttcd.ffr -m 0 -r initHebdoAMQrestoreAMP.utl -p It is restored successfully. now below is the command I am trying to restore the database but getting below error not able to understand if any issue in the switch how control file restore command worked

     brrestore -b bfavttcd.ffr -m full -c force initHebdoAMQrestoreAMP.utl -p
    BR0401I BRRESTORE 7.20 (18)
    BR0154E Unexpected option value 'initHebdoAMQrestoreAMP.utl' found at position 7

    BR0406I End of file restore: rfawiqqu.log 2019-04-09 06.30.12
    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.30.12
    BR0404I BRRESTORE terminated with errors

    After that I have tried any option or command which executed but failing with below error.

    I have 2 main confusion here .

    1. restore of database SID is coming for quality system itself, it should display PRD SID.
    2. What is wrong on 7th line on UTL file why it is reporting error.

    # Prefix of the 'Backup ID' which will be used for communication with SAPDBA
    # and stored in the description field of the Tivoli Storage Manager archive
    # function.
    # Maximum 6 characters.
    # Default: none.
    BACKUPIDPREFIX          AMP___

    # Number of total parallel sessions which will be established by Tivoli Data
    # Protection for R/3. Note: this number should correspond with the number
    # of simultaneously available tape drives specified for the Tivoli Storage
    # Manager server.
    # Default: none.
    #MAX_SESSIONS           4 # 1 Tivoli Storage Manager client session is default
    MAX_SESSIONS            2 # 1 Tivoli Storage Manager client session is default

    # Number of parallel sessions which will be established by Tivoli Data
    # Protection for R/3 for the database backup.
    # Note: this number should correspond with the number of simultaneously
    # available tape drives specified for the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
    # Default: none.
    #MAX_BACK_SESSIONS      2 # 1 Tivoli Storage Manager client session for backup

    # Number of parallel sessions which will be established by Tivoli Data
    # Protection for R/3 for the archive log backup.
    # Note: this number should correspond with the number of simultaneously
    # available tape drives specified for the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
    # Default: none.
    #MAX_ARCH_SESSIONS      1 # 1 Tivoli Storage Manager client session for archive

    # Number of parallel sessions which will be established by Tivoli Data
    # Protection for R/3 for the restore of files.
    # Note: this number should correspond with the number of simultaneously
    # available tape drives specified for the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
    # Default: none.
    #MAX_RESTORE_SESSIONS   1 # 1 Tivoli Storage Manager client session for restore

    # Number of backup copies of the archived redo logs.
    # Default: 1.
    #REDOLOG_COPIES         2                   # 1 is default

    # Specifies whether Tivoli Data Protection for R/3 should perform a
    # null block compression of the data before they are transmitted over the
    # network to Tivoli Storage Manager. The null block compression consumes
    # only little cpu resources. This compression in Tivoli Data Protection for
    # R/3 is independent from the Tivoli Storage Manager compression.
    # Do not compress twice !
    # Default: NO
    #RL_COMPRESSION         YES                 # NO is default

    # Specifies how many files are multiplexed into one data stream
    # to a Tivoli Storage Manager server. Multiplexing is usefull when the data
    # rate to a Tivoli Storage Manager server is higher (fast tapes, fast network)
    # than the I/O rate from a single disk.
    # The valid range of MULTIPLEXING is from 1 to 8.
    # Default: 1 (meaning no multiplexing)
    #MULTIPLEXING           2                   # 1 is default

    # Specifies the block size for disk I/O (in bytes). The valid range is
    # from 4 KB to 256 KB.
    # The default values have been chosen from our performance experiments in
    # standard hardware environments.
    # Default: 131072 (128 KB) on UNIX, 32768 (32 KB) on Windows NT.
    BUFFSIZE                131072              # block size in bytes

    # Name of a program that is called by Tivoli Data Protection for R/3
    # before the backup task is started.
    # Default: none.
    #FRONTEND               pgmname parameterlist

    # Name of a program that is called by Tivoli Data Protection for R/3
    # after the backup task is completed.
    # Default: none.
    #BACKEND                pgmname parameterlist

    # Maximum number of data base backup versions to be kept.
    # Note: Version control by Tivoli Data Protection for R/3 is only
    # activated if the SAP R/3 release is 3.0C and higher and the parameter
    # MAX_VERSION is not 0.
    # Default: 0.
    #MAX_VERSIONS           4

    # Batch processing
    # Default:
    # The default for the BATCH parameter is YES for the backup run and NO for
    # the restore run if the BATCH parameter is COMMENTED OUT in this profile.
    #BATCH                  YES                 # unattended automated operation
    #BATCH                  NO                  # manual operation

    # Control of error situations
    # Default: NO.
    #EXITONERROR            3                  # don't exit if an error occurs

    # Control of information for reporting purposes, e.g. messages, statistics.
    # Default: NO (no additional data will be reported).
    #REPORT                 NO                  # no additional messages
    #REPORT                 YES                 # all additional messages
    #REPORT                 2                   # all additional messages + summary

    # Controls generation of a trace file.
    # Note: we recommend using the trace function only in cooperation with
    # the hotline.
    # Default: NO.
    #TRACE                  100

    # Specify the trace file for Tivoli Data Protection for R/3 to store all
    # trace information (if TRACE ON), full path and name of file.
    # Note: for an actual trace the string '%BID' will be replaced by
    # the current backupid.
    # (.../backint_%BID.trace changes to .../backint_SAP___9809182300.trace).
    # Default: stdout.
    #TRACEFILE              /oracle/C21/dbs/backint.trace
    #TRACEFILE              /oracle/C21/dbs/backint_%BID.trace

    # Specify the configuration file for Tivoli Data Protection for R/3 to
    # store all variable parameters, full path and name of the file.
    # Default: none.
    CONFIG_FILE             /oracle/AMP/102_64/dbs/initHebdoAMQrestoreAMP.bki

    # Number of retries to be performed in case of errors when connecting to
    # the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
    # Default: 3.
    #RETRY                  5

    # Specify time after which a retry has to be performed (seconds).
    # Default: 1.
    #TCPWAIT                1

    # Number of times Tivoli Data Protection for R/3 retries to save/restore
    # a file in case an error occurs.
    # Default: 3.
    #FILE_RETRIES           3

    # Shall Tivoli Data Protection for R/3 send error/status information
    # to a Tivoli Storage Manager server. The statement for servername must
    # match one of the servers listed in a SERVER statement. Statements for
    # verbosity can be ERROR, WARNING, or DETAIL.
    # Default: none.
    #LOG_SERVER             servername    [verbosity]
    #LOG_SERVER             server_a      ERROR

    # Shall Tivoli Data Protection for R/3 send error/status information
    # to a network management program via SNMP traps?
    # Default: none.
    #SNMPTRAP               Hostname    community   level
    #SNMPTRAP               server_a    public      detail

    # Shall Tivoli Data Protection for R/3 use a manual sorting file for disk
    # sorting ?
    # Default: none.
    #SORT_FILE              /oracle/C21/dbs/manual_sort_file

    # Statement for multiple Servers and multiple Paths.
    # may be used multiple times (one for each server).

    SERVER         TSM100                  # Servername
    #  SESSIONS            4                    # Max sessions
       SESSIONS            2                    # Max sessions
      PASSWORDREQUIRED    YES                  # Use a password
      ADSMNODE            bcv51s7b_sap               # Tivoli Storage Manager Nodename
      BRARCHIVEMGTCLASS   brarchive_quotidien DUAL_ARCH_DISK # Mgmt-Classes
    BRBACKUPMGTCLASS    brbackup_hebdo                  # Mgmt-Classes
    #BRARCHIVEMGTCLASS   brarchive_hebdo        # Mgmt-Classes
    #BRBACKUPMGTCLASS    brbackup_mensuel                # Mgmt-Classes
    #BRBACKUPMGTCLASS     brbackup_quotidien

    #  REDOLOG_COPIES      2
    # USE_AT              0 1 2 3 4 5 6           # Days for backup

    #SERVER         server_b                  # Servername
    #  SESSIONS            2                  # Max sessions
    #  PASSWORDREQUIRED    YES                # Use a password
    #  ADSMNODE            NODE               # Tivoli Storage Manager Nodename
    #  BRBACKUPMGTCLASS    MDB                # Mgmt-Classes
    #  BRARCHIVEMGTCLASS   MLOG1 MLOG2        # Mgmt-Classes
    #  USE_AT              0 1 2 3 4 5 6      # Days for backup

    # USE_AT : 0=Su 1=Mo 2=Tu 3=We 4=Th 5=Fr 6=Sa
    # Default: all days

    # End of profile


    initHebdoAMQrestoreAMP.utl: END

    Prem Singh


  • 2.  RE: SAP Restore is failing with unknown reason

    Posted Tue April 09, 2019 12:52 AM
    Below is the latest restore log which is showing failed.

     brrestore -m full -b bfavttcd.ffr -p initHebdoAMQrestoreAMP.                                                                                        sap -c
    BR0401I BRRESTORE 7.20 (18)
    BR0405I Start of file restore: rfawiscv.rsb 2019-04-09 06.46.41
    BR0484I BRRESTORE log file: /oracle/AMQ/sapbackup/rfawiscv.rsb

    BR0454W Values of oracle_sid are different: current 'AMQ', backup bfavttcd.ffr 'AMP'
    BR0455W Value 'AMQ' of oracle_sid will be used for restore
    BR0454W Values of oracle_home are different: current '/oracle/AMQ/102_64', backup bfavttcd.ffr '/oracle/AMP/102_64'
    BR0455W Value '/oracle/AMQ/102_64' of oracle_home will be used for restore
    BR0454W Values of sapdata_home are different: current '/oracle/AMQ', backup bfavttcd.ffr '/oracle/AMP'
    BR0455W Value '/oracle/AMQ' of sapdata_home will be used for restore

    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.46.41
    BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRESTORE:
    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.46.51
    BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
    BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

    BR0427I Files from the old sapdata_home /oracle/AMP will be restored into the new sapdata_home /oracle/AMQ

    BR0565W Due to running database instance control file cannot be restored during a BRRESTORE run with RMAN
    BR0566I Stop the database instance and restore the control file separately

    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.46.51
    BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRESTORE:
    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.47.10
    BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
    BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.47.10
    BR0407I Restore of database: AMQ - This is I am pointing which is yellow Database name should be AMP not AMQ, AMQ is a quality system where I am restoring.
    BR0408I BRRESTORE action ID: rfawiscv
    BR0409I BRRESTORE function ID: rsb
    BR0449I Restore mode: FULL
    BR0411I Database files for restore:
    BR0419I Files will be restored from backup: bfavttcd.ffr 2019-04-06 05.43.39
    BR0416I 142 files found to restore, total size 275384.598 MB
    BR0424I Files will not be decompressed
    BR0421I Restore device type: rman_util

    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.47.10
    BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRRESTORE:
    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.47.23
    BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
    BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
    BR0126I Unattended mode active - no operator confirmation required

    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.47.23
    BR0554I Starting restore from full database backup using RMAN...
    BR0278E Command output of 'SHELL=/bin/sh /oracle/AMQ/102_64/bin/rman nocatalog':

    Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Apr 9 06:47:23 2019

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

    RMAN> connect target *
    connected to target database (not started)

    RMAN> **end-of-file**

    host command complete

    RMAN> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7> 8> 9> 10> 11> 12> 13> 14> 15> 16> 17> 18> 19> 20> 21> 22> 23> 24> 25> 26> 27> 28> 29> 30> 31> 32> 33> 34> 35> 36> 37> 38> 39> 40> 41> 42> 43> 44> 45> 46> 47> 48> 49> 50> 51> 52> 53> 54> 55> 56> 57> 58> 59> 60> 61> 62> 63> 64> 65> 66> 67> 68> 69> 70> 71> 72> 73> 74> 75> 76> 77> 78> 79> 80> 81> 82> 83> 84> 85> 86> 87> 88> 89> 90> 91> 92> 93> 94> 95> 96> 97> 98> 99> 100> 101> 102> 103> 104> 105> 106> 107> 108> 109> 110> 111> 112> 113> 114> 115> 116> 117> 118> 119> 120> 121> 122> 123> 124> 125> 126> 127> 128> 129> 130> 131> 132> 133> 134> 135> 136> 137> 138> 139> 140> 141> 142> 143> 144> 145> 146> 147> 148> 149> 150> 151> 152> 153> 154>
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of allocate command at 04/09/2019 06:47:24
    RMAN-06403: could not obtain a fully authorized session
    ORA-01034: ORACLE not available


    Recovery Manager complete.
    BR0200I BR_TRACE: location BrRmanCall-39, commands for RMAN in: /oracle/AMQ/sapbackup/.rfawiscv.cmd
    'host '/usr/sap/AMQ/SYS/exe/run/brtools -f delete /oracle/AMQ/sapbackup/..rfawiscv..cmd';^'
    'run { allocate channel sbt_1 device type 'SBT_TAPE'^'
    'parms 'SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/AMQ/102_64/lib/,ENV=(XINT_PROFILE=/oracle/AMQ/102_64/dbs/initHebdoAMQrestoreAMP.utl ,PROLE_PORT=57323,BR_CALLER=BRRESTORE,BR_BACKUP=FULL,BR_REQUEST=NEW,BR_RUN=rfawiscv.rsb)';^'
    'allocate channel sbt_2 device type 'SBT_TAPE'^'
    'parms 'SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/AMQ/102_64/lib/,ENV=(XINT_PROFILE=/oracle/AMQ/102_64/dbs/initHebdoAMQrestoreAMP.utl ,PROLE_PORT=57323,BR_CALLER=BRRESTORE,BR_BACKUP=FULL,BR_REQUEST=NEW,BR_RUN=rfawiscv.rsb)';^'
    'allocate channel sbt_3 device type 'SBT_TAPE'^'
    'parms 'SBT_LIBRARY=/oracle/AMQ/102_64/lib/,ENV=(XINT_PROFILE=/oracle/AMQ/102_64/dbs/initHebdoAMQrestoreAMP.utl ,PROLE_PORT=57323,BR_CALLER=BRRESTORE,BR_BACKUP=FULL,BR_REQUEST=NEW,BR_RUN=rfawiscv.rsb)';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/bctst03d_1/bctst03d.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/bctst03d_1/bctst03d.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/bctst03i_1/bctst03i.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/bctst03i_1/bctst03i.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_1/btabd.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_1/btabd.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_10/btabd.data10' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_10/btabd.data10';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_11/btabd.data11' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_11/btabd.data11';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_12/btabd.data12' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_12/btabd.data12';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_13/btabd.data13' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_13/btabd.data13';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_14/btabd.data14' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_14/btabd.data14';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_15/btabd.data15' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_15/btabd.data15';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_16/btabd.data16' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_16/btabd.data16';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_17/btabd.data17' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_17/btabd.data17';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_18/btabd.data18' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_18/btabd.data18';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_19/btabd.data19' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_19/btabd.data19';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_2/btabd.data2' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_2/btabd.data2';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_20/btabd.data20' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_20/btabd.data20';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_21/btabd.data21' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_21/btabd.data21';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_22/btabd.data22' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_22/btabd.data22';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_23/btabd.data23' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_23/btabd.data23';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_24/btabd.data24' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_24/btabd.data24';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_25/btabd.data25' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_25/btabd.data25';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_26/btabd.data26' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_26/btabd.data26';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_27/btabd.data27' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_27/btabd.data27';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_28/btabd.data28' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_28/btabd.data28';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_29/btabd.data29' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_29/btabd.data29';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_3/btabd.data3' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_3/btabd.data3';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_30/btabd.data30' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_30/btabd.data30';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_31/btabd.data31' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_31/btabd.data31';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_32/btabd.data32' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_32/btabd.data32';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_4/btabd.data4' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_4/btabd.data4';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_5/btabd.data5' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_5/btabd.data5';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_6/btabd.data6' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_6/btabd.data6';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_7/btabd.data7' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_7/btabd.data7';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_8/btabd.data8' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_8/btabd.data8';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabd_9/btabd.data9' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabd_9/btabd.data9';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_1/btabi.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_1/btabi.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_10/btabi.data10' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_10/btabi.data10';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_11/btabi.data11' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_11/btabi.data11';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_12/btabi.data12' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_12/btabi.data12';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_13/btabi.data13' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_13/btabi.data13';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_14/btabi.data14' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_14/btabi.data14';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_15/btabi.data15' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_15/btabi.data15';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_16/btabi.data16' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_16/btabi.data16';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_17/btabi.data17' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_17/btabi.data17';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_18/btabi.data18' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_18/btabi.data18';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_19/btabi.data19' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_19/btabi.data19';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_2/btabi.data2' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_2/btabi.data2';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_20/btabi.data20' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_20/btabi.data20';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_21/btabi.data21' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_21/btabi.data21';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_3/btabi.data3' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_3/btabi.data3';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_4/btabi.data4' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_4/btabi.data4';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_5/btabi.data5' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_5/btabi.data5';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_6/btabi.data6' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_6/btabi.data6';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_7/btabi.data7' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_7/btabi.data7';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_8/btabi.data8' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_8/btabi.data8';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/btabi_9/btabi.data9' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/btabi_9/btabi.data9';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/clud_1/clud.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/clud_1/clud.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/clud_2/clud.data2' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/clud_2/clud.data2';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/clud_3/clud.data3' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/clud_3/clud.data3';^'
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    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/ddicd_1/ddicd.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/ddicd_1/ddicd.data1';^'
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    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/docud_1/docud.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/docud_1/docud.data1';^'
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    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/es46cd_1/es46cd.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/es46cd_1/es46cd.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/es46cd_2/es46cd.data2' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/es46cd_2/es46cd.data2';^'
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    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/es46ci_2/es46ci.data2' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/es46ci_2/es46ci.data2';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/fiacctcrd_1/fiacctcrd.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/fiacctcrd_1/fiacctcrd.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/fiacctcrd_2/fiacctcrd.data2' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/fiacctcrd_2/fiacctcrd.data2';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/fiacctcrd_3/fiacctcrd.data3' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/fiacctcrd_3/fiacctcrd.data3';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/fiacctcri_1/fiacctcri.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/fiacctcri_1/fiacctcri.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/fiacctcri_2/fiacctcri.data2' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/fiacctcri_2/fiacctcri.data2';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/figlpcad_1/figlpcad.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/figlpcad_1/figlpcad.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/figlpcad_2/figlpcad.data2' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/figlpcad_2/figlpcad.data2';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/figlpcad_3/figlpcad.data3' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/figlpcad_3/figlpcad.data3';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/figlpcai_1/figlpcai.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/figlpcai_1/figlpcai.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/figlpcai_2/figlpcai.data2' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/figlpcai_2/figlpcai.data2';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/loadd_1/loadd.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/loadd_1/loadd.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/loadi_1/loadi.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/loadi_1/loadi.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/poold_1/poold.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/poold_1/poold.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/pooli_1/pooli.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/pooli_1/pooli.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/pooli_2/pooli.data2' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/pooli_2/pooli.data2';^'
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    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1';^'
    'set newname for datafile '/oracle/AMP/sapdata1/system_2/system.data2' to '/oracle/AMQ/sapdata1/system_2/system.data2';^'
    'restore datafile 134,121,107,97,125,119,100,103,66,83,104,112,115,40,49,73,102,131,132,136,^'
    '33,51,65,128,75,126,67,127,3,31,43,54,62,76,130,44,55,63 from tag bfavttcd force;^'
    'release channel sbt_1;^'
    'release channel sbt_2;^'
    'release channel sbt_3; }^'
    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.47.24
    BR0279E Return code from 'SHELL=/bin/sh /oracle/AMQ/102_64/bin/rman nocatalog': 1
    BR0522E 0 of 138 files / save sets processed by RMAN
    BR0536E RMAN call for database instance AMQ failed

    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.47.24
    BR0556E Restore from full database backup using RMAN failed

    BR0406I End of file restore: rfawiscv.rsb 2019-04-09 06.47.24
    BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2019-04-09 06.47.24
    BR0404I BRRESTORE terminated with errors

    Prem Singh


  • 3.  RE: SAP Restore is failing with unknown reason

    Posted Wed April 10, 2019 01:04 AM

    Any suggestions please advise what will be the step by step process to restore it, I am missing something.

    I have followed below.

    1. Offline backup completed on prd database via rman-util extension of log is abcfdh.fnf.
    2. Copy the prd.log and abcfdh.fnf and pasted on /Oracle/Sid/sapbackup and change the ownership oraqty:DBA and 777 permission.
    3. Copy the .utl and .sap file and change the ownership oraqty:DBA and 777 permission.
    4.change the settings on .sap and .utl file as below.

    In file
    util_par_file=/oracle/QTY/102_64/dbs/initQTY.utl    (PRD  → QTY)
    compress_dir = /oracle/QTY/sapreorg

    In initQTY.utl file
    CONFIG_FILE       /oracle/QTY/102_64/dbs/initQTY.bki    (PRD  → QTY)

    5. Set environment variable of prd on qty system.
    6 started restore of control file on qty system,it is completed successfully.
    7. Now when I am attempting to restore the full database I am getting above error which I attached previously.

    Please advise what I am missing.


  • 4.  RE: SAP Restore is failing with unknown reason

    Posted Wed April 10, 2019 02:59 AM
    > BR0565W Due to running database instance control file cannot be restored during a BRRESTORE run with RMAN
    > BR0566I Stop the database instance and restore the control file separately
    > RMAN-06403: could not obtain a fully authorized session
    > ORA-01034: ORACLE not available

    Looks like the database is not in the state that brrestore does expect. Would suggest to check the SAP Homogeneous System Copy Guide for detailed steps how to perform such system copy.

    Thomas Prause

  • 5.  RE: SAP Restore is failing with unknown reason

    Posted Wed April 10, 2019 02:36 AM
    There is nothing wrong with the .utl file. The brrestore command is just missing the '-r'in front of ' initHebdoAMQrestoreAMP.utl'.

    Have you ever thought about using brrecover? It would guide you through the recovery process and compose all the brrestore commands for you. May be that makes your life easier.

    Thomas Prause

  • 6.  RE: SAP Restore is failing with unknown reason

    Posted Wed April 10, 2019 03:24 AM
    Hi ,

    Thanks so much for the guidance i tried different switch where command is working but failing with provided error.

    brrestore -b bfavttcd.ffr -m 0 -r initHebdoAMQrestoreAMP.utl -p 


  • 7.  RE: SAP Restore is failing with unknown reason

    Posted Wed April 10, 2019 02:24 PM
    Hi Thomas and everyone I managed to have a complete restore of the SAP database but now unfortunately I have requested to SAP team to try the recover until before 1 mnt of completing the backup so that it will not ask any further redo logs, but they have started auto recovery now it is stopped on asking for 
    7-8 redo log files.
    But problem is can anyone provide me the switch if we have to restore the archive log sequence from 42345 till 52.
    I am trying that switch which is not working as of now.

    brrestore -u system/passw0rd '42345-4252' but it is not working because one probably I am using wrong switch or I don't have correct user I'd and password.


  • 8.  RE: SAP Restore is failing with unknown reason

    Posted Thu April 11, 2019 01:14 AM
    Hi Guys,

    Any suggestions pls.


  • 9.  RE: SAP Restore is failing with unknown reason

    Posted Fri April 12, 2019 07:37 AM
    Thank you all it is restored completely with archive logs, Thanks everyone.


  • 10.  RE: SAP Restore is failing with unknown reason

    Posted Fri April 12, 2019 08:24 AM
    Sorry, I do not know the brrestore command line options by head. You could look them up in the BR*Tools users guide or use brrecover. It offers you to enter the log numbers in some sort of text mode ui and finally composes/executes the brrestore commands. Much more convenient.

    Thomas Prause