Below you find all the information that you are looking for regarding the release of Generally, you will want to start with the following link which contains information pertaining to the downloads, links to the server and client APARs, etc.:
IBM Spectrum Protect Server V8.1.10.X interim fix downloads
From the above link, you can find the link to the complete list of the APARs and Security Bulletins that were fixed in Spectrum Protect Server Below is the link to the server APARs and Security Bulletins:
APARs fixed in IBM Spectrum Protect server 8.1.10 interim fix levelshttps://www.ibm.com/support/pages/apars-fixed-ibm-spectrum-protect-server-8110-interim-fix-levels
Here is the link to the client Download page which includes APARs and fixing levels:
IBM Spectrum Protect Version 8.1.10 Clients
There is currently no interim fix for the 8.1.10 client.
Any further questions, let us know!
Chris Rogers