IBM FlashSystem

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  • 1.  Ip relationship

    Posted 6 days ago

    Hello, I'm tring to establish an IP relationship between a FS5300 4662-7H2 and a old V5020 2078-224.

    The creation of the partnership works but on the 5020 it remains in partial state and on the 5300 it is in error.

    Of course the firmware versions are pretty far apart: and

    Could it be they are incompatible ?

    I did not find anything in the IP partnership requirements....

    Thank you if someone has any idea

    Pino Mariotto

  • 2.  RE: Ip relationship

    Posted 6 days ago

    somehow I cannot see the content of your post

    Nezih Boyacioglu

  • 3.  RE: Ip relationship

    Posted 5 days ago

    Problem has been resolved. I seems it was due to TCP/IP ports blocked by firewall

    Thank you

    Pino Mariotto

  • 4.  RE: Ip relationship

    Posted 5 days ago

    In repsonse to 

    Hello, I'm tring to establish an IP relationship between a FS5300 4662-7H2 and a old V5020 2078-224.

    The creation of the partnership works but on the 5020 it remains in partial state and on the 5300 it is in error.

    Of course the firmware versions are pretty far apart: and

    Could it be they are incompatible ?

    I did not find anything in the IP partnership requirements....

    Thank you if someone has any idea

    Pino Mariotto

    The Code compatibility matrix for Replication can be found here:

    You will not it only goes back to 8.4.0. this is because versions prior to 8.4.0 are not currently in software support.

    After a bit of digging I have found that there is a break in support for systems that are pre 8.3.1 to Post 8.5.0. ( keep in mind that is several years of releases in between those and you are talking about 8.2.1 which released in 2018 and 8.6.3 which released in 2024. These two systems are too far apart to be able to perform this (keep in mind  the V5020 shipped in 2016 and the 5300 shipped in 2025).

    There are other ways to migrate your data if that is what you are looking to do, so I recommend  contacting your IBM Account rep or IBM Business Partner for options.

    I hope this helps!

    Evelyn Perez
    IBM Senior Technical Staff Member
    IBM Storage Virtualize Software Architect for SVC and FlashSystem

  • 5.  RE: Ip relationship

    Posted 5 days ago

    Thank you Evelyn for your response.

    In the meantime , the relationship came on after opening TCP/IP ports in the firewall.

    But I still got errors when trying to establish remote copy relationships

    Contrary at the 5020 error, the 5300 error was a telling one (CMMVC1199) and I discovered the you can put the the 5300 in compatibility mode (chcompatibilitymode).

    Still I could not do metroMRR , but finally I managed to establish a MetroMRR , I'll exploit it just to migrate the data.

    Thank you again



    Pino Mariotto

    Sinapsi srl

    Mobile: 3482879187
    Office:  0422910028

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