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  • 1.  IBM SAN64B-7 Certificate Expired Issues

    Posted 4 days ago


    We have a 4 x SAN64B-7 (8960-P64) SAN switches that a couple of weeks ago started to report expired certificates, giving a policy status result of MARGINAL from the mapsdb --show all command. The switch is running FOS v9.1.1b code. We run the mapsdb --show all command as part of our daily scheduled script commands to check the status of all the SAN switches in the fabric daily, of which these 4 are some of them. 

    The 4 switches were updated to FOS 9.1.1b last year, and have been running just fine. Then last month, the HEALTHY status changed to MARGINAL, reporting:


    We get this in another environment every so many years on our IBM directors, and have a procedure to reset the HTTPS certificate date, using the seccertmgmt generate -cert https command. This error in other environments also causes the GUI using HTTPS to stop working. We checked the certs date on these SAN64B-7's, and we only have HTTPS certificates, and those had not expired, still had a year or so left, and the GUI was working fine. But even so, we ran the generate command to give them another 5 years, which a seccertmgmt show correctly has the date expiry of 5 years for HTTPS. As per previous occurences of these cert issues, we waited a day for the system to catch up, and re-run mapsdb, but it still shows MARGINAL. It's been over 2 weeks now, and it's still MARGINAL. 

    Does anyone have any ideas of what we can do to reset the EXPIRED_CERTS error, and get our switches back to HEALTHY status?



    Andy Heath

  • 2.  RE: IBM SAN64B-7 Certificate Expired Issues

    Posted 3 days ago
    Have you opened a San central ticket at support?  Please do -
    And make sure to do the below procedure and include that in the ticket along with a switch show-  if you are using third-party CA certificates or with a chain, there is a bug --if any of the certificates have an expiration date of greater than 2038--

    In situations where any of the CA chains has an expiry date of 2038, this issue can also occur. 

    Follow the below procedure to get the complete certificate chain which is installed on the switch:

    1. Log in to the switch as root.
    2. Run the below command:
    cd /etc/fabos/certs/https
    1. Check the directory listing with the following command:
    s -ltr
    1. Run the following command:
    scp * <remote username>@<remote IP>:<remote dir>


    scp * username@19x.16x.0.1:/file/location

    -mobile and only: 
    Andrew 'AJ' Greenfield 
         WW Storage & Security 


  • 3.  RE: IBM SAN64B-7 Certificate Expired Issues

    Posted 3 days ago

    With "license --show" you can see the expiration date of TruFOS certificate. This certificate is only required for FOS upgrades.

    New certificates can be requested via Broadcom but are only valid for few months.

    Therefore my advice is that you only need to request new certificates if you plan for FOS upgrades in the near future.

    If that is not the case, you can get rid of the alerts by deleting the expired certificate from the SAN switches (license --remove ....)

    Removal of a certificate will not have any impact on the operations of the switch. It will just prevent you to start a new FOS upgrade.

    Hans Populaire

  • 4.  RE: IBM SAN64B-7 Certificate Expired Issues
    Best Answer

    Posted 3 days ago

    I had a similar issue with my Kafka cert for SANnav.

    Use: seccertmgmt show -all to see which certs exist.  If you do see a Kafka cert then >Use: seccertmgmt show -ca -server kafka  to make sure it is not expired.

    If you are using SANnav, then you will need to unmonitor and then monitor the switch and a new Kafka cert will push to it.   I had to do an "hareboot" to kind of force it after re-monitoring the switch. 

    Also review this link for additional support:


    After the server is back up, you must rediscover or unmonitor and then monitor all switches that are registered for telemetry data; otherwise, the new certificates do not take effect, and SANnav functions may not work properly.

    Nicholas Frazee

  • 5.  RE: IBM SAN64B-7 Certificate Expired Issues

    Posted 2 days ago

    And we have a winner, many thanks Nicholas, that's the cause, SANNAV and Kafka certificates. I was not looking at the screen close enough on the seccertmgmt show -all screen which said the KAFKA Server CA is set to Exist, I must look closer at what is staring me in the face!

    We'll look in to the SANNAV certificates updates. But at least we now know the cause.



    Andy Heath

  • 6.  RE: IBM SAN64B-7 Certificate Expired Issues

    Posted 2 days ago

    I've gone through the SANNAV actions, I ended up following the more details info on the DELL and Netapp support sites, which told me exactly what to set, and where, and hey presto, our switches now have a KAFKA certificate set to 10 year expiry :-)

    Andy Heath