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  • 1.  Help and ideas into how to containerize IBM Scale

    Posted 12 days ago

    Hello. I'm a IBM Spectrum Scale 4 specialist at Colombia, South America.

    Now, I'm doing a masters degree on big data and I want to show a project I have an idea: I want to create a container image of a basic IBM Scale 5.x installation. I'm not expert but know docker, can anybody point me to any kind of guidance?

    I've done many installations on plain environments (physical and VMs with AIX and RHEL), I've created a container, but even loading mmfs26 and mmfslinux on host (not in the container) mmcrcluster with only the container as unique node complains with a error message, error I'm trying to resolve for days:

    [root@scale gpfs_rpms]# /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmcrcluster -C scale -U local -N scale:quorum-manager

    mmcrcluster: Performing preliminary node verification ...

    mmcrcluster: Processing quorum and other critical nodes ...

    scale:  ccrctl:error:215:error from startSdrServ (rc=1):

    scale:  checkNewClusterNode:ccr_setup_failed::3401:

    scale:  mmremote: The CCR environment could not be initialized on node scale.

    mmcrcluster: Command failed. Examine previous error messages to determine cause.

    I've tried Scale Developer and 5.2.0-1, both on RHEL v8.8, v8.10 and Alma Linux v8.8 and v8.10

    Thanks, any idea will be appreciated.

    Ramón Barrios Láscar

  • 2.  RE: Help and ideas into how to containerize IBM Scale

    Posted 11 days ago

    Hello Ramon,

    thank you for your interest in containerized IBM Storage Scale. IBM provides a containerized version of Storage Scale since mid-2020.

    Please have a look at:

    You can find additional information in context of your research area here:

    To stay up-to-date with current product developments and use cases for Storage Scale including Big Data/AI ones, I'd recommend to have a look at

    Additionally, IBM Fusion is a product that embraces the containerized version of Storage Scale to provide a performant and scalable AI/ML infrastructure - see

    for details.

    Best regards,
    Harald Seipp
    Senior Technical Staff Member
    IBM Client Engineering Storage EMEA