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  • 1.  FS9500 Performance Package Received

    Posted 4 hours ago

    Hello All.  We have received two PerfPkgs zip files from a customer for analysis and feedback/recommendations.  When we had A9000 and A9000R Storages, I remember Sir. Andrew Greenfield used to have a nice excel tool named:  XIV-A9K CLI Excel XLS Viewer, which once fed this kind of output will in turn will give you a lot of info/insights/graphs etc for further dep dive.  Does, there exists anything like that for new FS9500(same new Flash Systems models).  If, yes, please point me to that box etc.  Or, any other well known IBM tool which can do this analysis.  (PS: I found one excel for DS8K also).  Looking for FS9500 Series. Thanks


  • 2.  RE: FS9500 Performance Package Received

    IBM Champion
    Posted 3 hours ago
      |   view attached

    Hi Sudhir,

    I'm using a manual method to find performance bottlenecks, peaks and/or anomalies. There is a csv file named
    PerfReport_FS9500_Volumes on your and it contains statistics for each volume on every minute (if you are using Spectrum Control) every 5 minutes (if you are using Storage Insights). You can simplify, filter the volumes you want to check or use the same method on PerfReport_FS9500_Pools for pool level statistics. 
    You can check my pool Total MB/s per minute example on the attached excel file.

    Nezih Boyacioglu
