IBM FlashSystem

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  • 1.  fs5200 FC module replacement

    Posted Wed December 06, 2023 11:33 AM



    I need to replace 16GB FC 4 port module on FS5200

    Is the WWPN of the 4 ports will change  after the I replace it ?



    Moshe Bezalel

  • 2.  RE: fs5200 FC module replacement

    Posted Wed December 06, 2023 01:18 PM
    It shouldn't. The WWPN is based on the WWNN combined with the PCI slot and port ID of the adapter. In fact, if you replace the node canister the WWPN doesn't change, either.


    Ian R Wright

    Client Technical Sales Engineer

    Mainline Information Systems

    Specializing in Mainframe and Open Storage, Linux, Ansible, Containers/Cloud 







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  • 3.  RE: fs5200 FC module replacement

    Posted Thu December 07, 2023 05:09 AM

    It will not.

    WWPNs for Ports in Storage Virtualize products are generated from the WWNN of the Node Canister (which is programmed vpd in MFG and then stored in multiple places) and based on the slot location and adapter port numbering.

    For your reference the replacement procedure is documented here: 

    Evelyn Perez
    IBM Senior Technical Staff Member
    IBM Storage Virtualize Software Architect for SVC and FlashSystem