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Error CMMVC1146E when trying to add a Volume Group to an Ownership Group

  • 1.  Error CMMVC1146E when trying to add a Volume Group to an Ownership Group

    Posted Tue October 22, 2024 07:07 AM

    SV v8.7.0.0

    I've created an ownership group and I have policy based replication running between 2 x FS5200s.

    When I try to add the replicated VG to the ownership group I get message:

    CMMVC1146E The command failed because the ownership group has not been linked to the remote systems in the replication policy.

    I don't see a way to link the ownership group to the remote system.

    Any suggestions?

    Glenn Robinson

  • 2.  RE: Error CMMVC1146E when trying to add a Volume Group to an Ownership Group

    Posted Wed October 23, 2024 03:11 AM

    PB replication was released per 8.5.2., at that time there was no support for ownership groups. I wonder if that restriction has been lifted.


  • 3.  RE: Error CMMVC1146E when trying to add a Volume Group to an Ownership Group

    Posted Wed October 23, 2024 05:42 AM

    Hi Glenn, the 8.6.2 release added support for policy-based replication using VMware Virtual Volumes (vVols). As part of that feature, ownership groups can be used with volume groups using 2-site async replication for disaster recovery.  As you've seen, the ownership groups need to be linked between systems, in much the same way as pools are linked between systems, for the production system to know which ownership group to create the recovery copy in.  For vVols, the GUI automatically configures the ownership group link as part of the initial setup, however, there isn't a way to manage other ownership group links in the GUI today.  You can, however, use the CLI to do the initial setup required:

    Use the lsownershipgroup command on one system to identify the 'replication_link_uid' for the ownership group you want to link to:

    Then on the partner system, use the chownershipgroup -replicationlinkuid <uid> <ownershipgroup_id/name>  command to set the link UID to the same value for the group you wish to link:

    For example:

    IBM_FlashSystem:systemB:superuser> lsownershipgroup
    id name            replication_link_uid
    0  ownershipgroup0 B82D7EAA0E26D6A05E51FB9A1DAD16EF


    IBM_FlashSystem:systemA:superuser> chownershipgroup -replicationlinkuid B82D7EAA0E26D6A05E51FB9A1DAD16EF myOwnershipGroup

    Once you've done this you should be able to assign a replication policy to the volume group.

    A user in an ownership group can then create+delete volumes and perform failover/failback for replication using the GUI/CLI/REST as usual.

    One limitation to be aware of is that there is currently no GUI support for a user in an ownership group to apply a replication policy to a new volume group. They will either need to use the CLI for this, or ask a system administrator to do this for them.

    If you'd like improved GUI support, I'd encourage you to submit that idea on the site.

    Hope that helps.

    Chris Canto
    Software Developer

  • 4.  RE: Error CMMVC1146E when trying to add a Volume Group to an Ownership Group

    Posted Wed October 23, 2024 09:22 AM
    Thanks very much Chris.

    All sorted now.
