DS8000 Transparent Cloud Tiering

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  • 1.  Container creation and date.

    Posted Mon June 12, 2023 12:19 PM

    According to the redbook the containers are created as this name, SYSZARC.<HSMplexname>.MIG.yyyyddd.<hash>

    We at first assumed the date would then represent the date of the container, and that a new container would be created  based on if we had the Apar loaded to change it to set the default to 92 days or whatever we set in the HSM parms.  We have set it to 92 days in the HSM parms and the apar will be going on in the next RSU maintenance release.  At any rate we now have five containers all created on different days and they all have the date 2023093, which equates to an actual date of April 3rd.  We would like to better understand what causes a new container to be created and also understand what the date represents or will it always be 2023093?


    John Benik

    John Benik

  • 2.  RE: Container creation and date.

    Posted Mon June 12, 2023 12:48 PM

    Hi John, First, please open a Case.  You should not have 5 containers with the same date.  I believe that this got introduced when the hash was added as a suffix to the container name.  There may be a fix available already.  Secondly, the logic is to use the date that represents the first day of the cycle based on the number of days.  For '92', the cycle is 2023001, 2023093, etc.  So, the logic is incorrectly creating new containers for the cycle because when it checks for an existing container, it is not taking the unique hash suffix into account.  The specific container is written to the migration record, so it won't impact Recall.  The containers will be cleaned up by SSM when they go empty.

    Glenn Wilcock