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Feature license management for DS8870 MT-PPRC

  • 1.  Feature license management for DS8870 MT-PPRC

    Posted Thu August 15, 2024 02:56 AM


    My customer plan to replace their DS8870(R7.5) with DS8910F(R9.3) at production site.
    This DS8870 forms Global Mirror with another DS8870#2 at DR site.
    For the data migration, I plan to setup MT-PPRC among DS8870, DS8870#2, and DS8910F.
    Q1. How can I install MT-PPRC feature (FC 0745 and 7025) to the DS8870?
    Q2.   How can I confirm these feature enabled  on the machine.  DSCLI lskey does not show the feature numbers, I think.

    Best regards, Eiichiro
