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IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition (ECE): Installation Demonstration

By WEI GONG posted Tue September 10, 2019 08:27 AM

IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition (ECE) is a high performance scale-out storage for commodity servers. It’s a new software edition of IBM Spectrum Scale family. The first version was released in June 2019 to bring customers the enterprise storage based on commodity servers. ECE provides all the functionality, reliability, scalability, and performance of IBM Spectrum Scale on the customer’s own choice of commodity servers with the added benefit of network-dispersed IBM Spectrum Scale RAID, and all of its features providing data protection, storage efficiency, and the ability to manage storage in hyperscale environments.

This video will highlight the new functions of IBM Spectrum Scale ECE and take you through an installation demonstration.

Here are some supportive links to accompany planning your ECE installation:

The install toolkit will execute the ECE Hardware Readiness tool on each scale-out node before beginning installation. This tool and its documentation can be downloaded from this link:

The IBM Spectrum Scale network readiness tool must also be executed before installation. This tool and its documentation can be downloaded from this link:

For more information on IBM Spectrum Scale Erasure Code Edition, see the product documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center:

For more information on IBM Elastic Storage Server, see:

And for questions about IBM Spectrum Scale in general, see the FAQ with ECE included:

Video link:

Chinese version:

IBM Spectrum Scale ECE安装部署演示

IBM Spectrum Scale ECE是一款可以使用商用服务器搭建高可扩展,高性能的软件定义存储产品。他是IBM Spectrum Scale软件产品家族的一员。第一个版本已于2019年6月发布。用户可以使用IBM Spectrum Scale ECE在商用服务器上搭建企业级存储。IBM Spectrum Scale ECE可以提供IBM Spectrum Scale所能提供的所有功能,可靠性,可扩展性以及性能。与此同时,IBM Spectrum Scale ECE包含IBM Spectrum Scale RAID,使其能提供更加优异的数据保护,存储效率和超大规模环境下的存储管理能力。

该视频展示了IBM Spectrum Scale ECE的新功能以及安装部署过程.

Video link:

