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Installing OpenShift Container Storage on IBM Cloud Pak System

By Veeramani Nambi posted Thu September 10, 2020 08:50 AM



Roy Brabson(, Xiaojun Chai(, Pallavi Joshi(


Skill Level: Intermediate

This blog describes OpenShift Container Storage deployment on IBM Cloud Pak System using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.2 and local block storage.


Referenced Blog:  


  • OpenShift Container Platform 4.2.X cluster must be installed.
  • The possibility to create new local disks inside VMs or Servers with disks that can be used.


OpenShift Container Storage is a software-defined storage (SDS) product of Red Hat, which is built by using the open source projects, such as Rook.IO, Ceph and NooBaa. Ceph provides file, block and object storage that backs the persistent volumes (PVs), supporting both ReadWriteOnce (RWO) and ReadWriteMany (RWX) PVs. Rook.IO manages and orchestrates the provisioning of persistent volumes  and claims while NooBaa provides Multi-Cloud Object Gateway support to enable object federation across multiple cloud environments.

OpenShift Container Storage 4.2 Architecture:

Please refer following link for OpenShift Container Storage 4.2 documentation

OpenShift Container Storage 4.2 is deployed as a minimal cluster of three worker nodes, and may be expanded in sets of three nodes to a maximum of 9 worker nodes. Each node supports one to three 2 TiB disks for storage, with the storage from each node replicated to two others within the system. Storage used by OpenShift Container Storage is obtained using a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) and Persistent Volume (PV) from local block storage or from default thin storage class in case of VMware system.


   Number Of Nodes  Disks  Total Capacity Usable Capacity 
 Initial Configuration  3  1 disk of 2 TiB on each node  6 TiB  2 TiB
 Possible Expansion  Maximum of up to 9 nodes  3 disks of 2 TiB on each node, which is a maximum of 27 disks of 2 TiB each  Maximum of 54 TiB   Maximum of 18 TiB


You can create application pods either on OpenShift Container Storage nodes or non OpenShift Container Storage nodes and run your applications. However, it is recommended that you apply a taint to the nodes to mark them for exclusive OpenShift Container Storage use and not run your applications pods on these nodes. Because the tainted OpenShift nodes are dedicated to storage pods, they require only an OpenShift Container Storage subscription and not an OpenShift subscription.

Each node on which OpenShift Container Storage runs requires 16 vCPUs and 64 GB of memory. These nodes are in addition to the worker nodes that are used to run application pods.

OSD:Object-Based Storage Device


  VCPUs   Memory  Storage  Comments
 Starting node(OSD+MON)  16  64 GB  2.01 TiB  2 TiB storage + 10 GiB per MON
 OSD 16    64 GB   2 TiB 2 TiB storage per disk (1 disk by default, scalable to 3 disks per node)


Cluster Requirements:

OpenShift Container Storage 4.2 requires large worker nodes to deploy. According to OpenShift Container Storage documentation, other than very specific services (e.g., monitoring and logging), only the OpenShift Container Storage pods should run on these nodes. It is accomplished by tagging the specific storage worker nodes for the OpenShift Container Storage pods to run on them, while including taints so that the application workloads can run on separate worker nodes.

The result is that there may be a large number of VMs running in an OpenShift Container Storage cluster, especially an HA cluster. The following nodes are available in a minimal HA cluster:

2 helper nodes
3 master nodes
3 worker nodes
3 storage nodes (specially tagged worker nodes)
1 bootstrap node (can be deleted post-install)
The storage required by OpenShift Container Storage is also quite large. The minimum consumed amount is 6 TiB, of which only 2 TiB is available for workloads.


  1. Deploy OpenShift Container Platform 4.2 cluster

    Deploy OpenShift Container Platform 4.2 cluster using OpenShift pattern in Cloud Pak System having a minimum of 3 worker nodes. There must be at least 3 nodes for deploying OpenShift Container Storage cluster.

    Please refer following blog for deploying Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.2 on IBM Cloud Pak System




  2. Create block volumes

    Create three 2 TB and 10GB Block type volumes in cloud group where OpenShift Container Platform cluster is deployed. These volumes are used as storage for OpenShift Container Storage cluster nodes.

    For eg: Volumes created in ‘rfbOCP4’ cloud group:


  3. Resolve IP Address of worker nodes

    SSH to primary helper node and find out the IP addresses of each worker node.These IP addresses are required for configuring YAML files as well as for tainting worker nodes for exclusive OpenShift Container Storage use.

    For example:

    -bash-4.2# Kubernetes get node -o wide | grep worker | awk {'print $1" " $6'}
  4. Attach volumes for OSD pods

    Determine workers to be used for OpenShift Container Storage deployment and attach the already created 2TB volumes (in Step 2) to each of them. These block volumes are used for OpenShift Container Storage OSD pods(ceph data).

    For example:

    Workers Virtual Machines in OpenShift Container Platform instance UI



  5. Attach volume to selected worker virtual machine

    Click on the selected Worker Virtual Machine and attach volume to it from list of volumes in ‘Volumes’ section


  6. Attach volumes for MON pods

    Attach 10GB volumes created in Step 2 to workers that are selected for OpenShift Container Storage deployment. These volumes are used for OpenShift Container Storage MON pods (ceph monitor).

  7. Verify volume attachment

    Run the following bash command to verify whether the volumes are attached correctly to all the selected workers:

    -bash-4.2# for i in {1..3} ; do ssh -i /core_rsa core@worker${i}lsblk | egrep "^sdb.*|sdc.*$" ; done

    sdb      8:16   0    2T  0 disk

    sdc      8:32   0   10G  0 disk

    sdb      8:16   0    2T  0 disk

    sdc      8:32   0   10G  0 disk

    sdb      8:16   0    2T  0 disk

    sdc      8:32   0   10G  0 disk

    Note: On the worker node, 2TB is sdb and 10GB is sdc.-bash-4.2# for i in {1..3} ; do ssh -i /core_rsa core@worker${i}lsblk | egrep "^sdb.*|sdc.*$" ; done
  8. Install the Local Storage operator:

    • Run the following command to create local storage project:           
    -bash-4.2# oc new-project local-storage  
    • Run the following steps to install the local storage operator from OpenShift Container Platform GUI

    1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform Web Console.

    2. Go to *Operators-* > Operator Hub

    3. Enter Local Storage in the filter box to search for the Local Storage Operator.

    4. Click Install.

    5. On the Create Operator Subscription page, select the specific namespace on the cluster. Select local-storage from the drop-down list.

    6. Adjust the values for Update Channel and Approval Strategy to the desired values.

    7. Click Subscribe. After it is completed, the local-storage operator gets listed in Installed Operators section of web console.

    8. Wait for operator pod up and running.          

       -bash-4.2 # oc get pod -n local-storage
             NAME                                             READY STATUS  RESTARTS AGE

             local-storage-operator-ccbb59b45-nn7ww    1/1   Running    0     57s



  9. Prepare LocalVolume YAML file for MON PODs.

    For FileSystem volumes, prepare LocalVolume YAML file to create resource for MON PODs.We need to replace worker names given in Values section with name of workers selected for OpenShift Container Storage deployment.

    For example:

    -bash-4.2# cat local-storage-filesystem.yaml

    apiVersion: ""

    kind: "LocalVolume"


    name: "local-disks-fs"

    namespace: "local-storage"




    - matchExpressions:

    - key:

    operator: In






    - storageClassName: "local-sc"

    volumeMode: Filesystem


    - /dev/sdc


  10. Create resource for MON PODs

    Run the following command to create resource for MON PODs:

    -bash-4.2# oc create -f local-storage-filesystem.yaml
  11. Verify Storage Classes and Persistent Volumes (PVs)

    Run the following command to check whether all the PODs are up and running and if StorageClass and PVs exist:

    -bash-4.2# oc get pv

    local-pv-64f226af    10Gi       RWO        Delete            Available            local-sc                11s
    local-pv-d34c3fd1    10Gi       RWO        Delete            Available            local-sc                11m
    local-pv-f9975f98    10Gi       RWO        Delete            Available            local-sc                4
    -bash-4.2# oc get sc  

    NAME PROVISIONER                           AGE
    local-sc    109s


  12. Prepare LocalVolume YAML file for OSD PODs

    Prepare LocalVolume YAML file to create resource for OSD PODs. Block type is required for these volumes.We need to replace worker names given in Values section with name of workers selected for OpenShift Container Storage deployment.

    For example:

    -bash-4.2# cat local-storage-block.yaml

    apiVersion: ""

    kind: "LocalVolume"


    name: "local-disks"

    namespace: "local-storage"




    - matchExpressions:

    - key:

    operator: In






    - storageClassName: "localblock-sc"

    volumeMode: Block


    - /dev/sdb


  13. Create resource for OSD PODs

    Run the following command to create a resource for OSD PODs:

    -bash-4.2# oc create -f local-storage-block.yaml
  14. Verify Storage Classes and Persistent Volumes (PVs)

    Run the following command to check whether all the PODs are up and running and if StorageClass and PVs exist:

    -bash-4.2# oc get pv | grep localblock-sc | awk {'print $1" "$2 " " $7'}

    local-pv-46028b05 2Ti localblock-sc

    local-pv-764f220a 2Ti localblock-sc

    local-pv-833c2983 2Ti localblock-sc
    -bash-4.2# oc get sc

    NAME             PROVISIONER                            AGE
    local-sc        6m36s
    localblock-sc        25s
  15. Deploy OpenShift Container Storage 4.2 operator

    • Run the following command to create openshift-storage:
    -bash-4.2# oc create -f ocs-namespace.yaml
    -bash-4.2# cat ocs-namespace.yaml

               apiVersion: v1
               kind: Namespace
               name: openshift-storage


    • Add labels to 3 worker nodes so that they can be used only for OpenShift Storage cluster
    -bash-4.2# oc label node <Name of first worker node selected for OpenShift Storage Deployment> "" --overwrite

    -bash-4.2# oc label node <Name of first worker node selected for OpenShift Storage Deployment> "" --overwrit

    -bash-4.2# oc label node <Name of second worker node selected for OpenShift Storage Deployment> "" --overwrite

    -bash-4.2# oc label node <Name of second worker node selected for OpenShift Storage Deployment> "" --overwrite

    -bash-4.2# oc label node <Name of third worker node selected for OpenShift Storage Deployment> "" --overwrite

    -bash-4.2# oc label node <Name of third worker node selected for OpenShift Storage Deployment> "" --overwrite

    For example:  

    -bash-4.2# oc label node "" --overwrite

    -bash-4.2# oc label node "" --overwrit

    -bash-4.2# oc label node "" --overwrite

    -bash-4.2# oc label node "" --overwrite

    -bash-4.2# oc label node "" --overwrite

    -bash-4.2# oc label node "" --overwrite


    • Install OpenShift Container Storage 4.2 operator from OpenShift Container Platform GUI.

    1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform Web Console

    2. Go to *Operators-* > Operator Hub.

    3. Enter OpenShift Container Storage into the filter box to locate the OpenShift Container Storage Operator.

    4. Click Install.

    5. On the Create Operator Subscription page, select specific namespace on the cluster. Select openshift-storage from the drop- down list.

    6. Adjust the values for Update Channel(4.2 stable) and Approval Strategy to the desired values.

    7. Click Subscribe. After it is completed, OpenShift Container Storage operator gets listed in the Installed Operators section of web console.

    8. Make sure that 3 pods that are related to OpenShift Container Storage operator are in good condition:    

      -bash-4.2# oc get pod

           NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

           noobaa-operator-779fbc86c7-8zqj2      1/1     Running   0          46s

           ocs-operator-79d555ffb-b9srx          1/1     Running   0          46s

           rook-ceph-operator-7b85794f6f-2dpjx   1/1     Running   0          46s
  16. Create Storage cluster of OpenShift Container Storage

    Run the following command to create Storage cluster of OpenShift Container Storage:

    -bash-4.2# oc create -f ocs-cluster-service.yaml 

    Content of ocs-cluster-service.yaml:

    -bash-4.2# cat ocs-cluster-service.yaml

    kind: StorageCluster
    name: ocs-storagecluster
    namespace: openshift-storage
    manageNodes: false
    - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 10Gi
    storageClassName: 'local-sc'
    volumeMode: Filesystem
    - count: 1
    - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 2Ti
    storageClassName: 'localblock-sc'
    volumeMode: Block
    name: ocs-deviceset
    placement: {}
    portable: true
    replica: 3
    resources: {}

    Here storage classes ‘local-sc’ and ‘localblock-sc’ are created in Steps 9 and 11.

  17. Verify Local Volume Persistent Volumes (PVs)

    Run the following command to check local volume PVs are bounded or not:

    For example:

    -bash-4.2# oc get pv |grep local | awk {'print $1" " $2 " " $5 " " $6'}

    local-pv-46028b05 2Ti Bound openshift-storage/ocs-deviceset-0-0-6vg6n
    local-pv-64f226af 10Gi Bound openshift-storage/rook-ceph-mon-a
    local-pv-764f220a 2Ti Bound openshift-storage/ocs-deviceset-1-0-pwsr9
    local-pv-833c2983 2Ti Bound openshift-storage/ocs-deviceset-2-0-crz8q
    local-pv-d34c3fd1 10Gi Bound openshift-storage/rook-ceph-mon-c
    local-pv-f9975f98 10Gi Bound openshift-storage/rook-ceph-mon-b


    If all local Volume PVs are bounded, then OpenShift Container Storage 4.2 operator and storage-cluster are ready to use!!!

  18. Verify Persistent Storage and Object storage in OpenShift Cluster dashboard


  19. Verify storage classes

    To enable user provisioning of storage, OpenShift Container Storage provides storage classes that are ready to use when OpenShift Container Storage is deployed.


  20. Create Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)

    Users and /or developers can request dynamically provisioned storage by including storage class in their PersistentVolumeClaim requests for their applications.


  21. Create Object Bucket Claim (OBC)

    In addition to block and file-based storage classes, OpenShift Container Storage introduces native object storage services for Kubernetes. To provide support for object buckets, OpenShift Container Storage introduces the Object Bucket Claims (OBC) and Object Buckets (OB) concept, which takes inspiration from the Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) and Persistent Volumes (PV).

    Click on *Administration-* > *Custom Resource Definitions-* > Create Custom Resource Definition on Openshift Container Platform UI and paste the following YAML content in the given box to create Object Bucket Claim(OBC)


    kind: ObjectBucketClaim
    name: "my-bucket-claim"
    generateBucketName: "my-bucket"




    After OBC is created, the following resources get created:

    • An ObjectBucket(OB) which contains bucket endpoint information, a reference to OBC and a reference to storage class.
    • A ConfigMap in same namespace as the OBC, which contains endpoint that is used by applications to connect and consume object interface.
    • A Secret in the same namespace as the OBC that contains key-pairs that are needed to access the bucket.
  22. Verify ObjectBucket (OB) on Nooba operator console

    You can also check ObjectBuckets(OB) on Nooba operator console:

    Click *Dashboard-* > Object Service. In the Details section, click link ‘nooba’ given as System Name that redirects to nooba console.

    Object Service:




    Nooba Console Link:




    Nooba console: 



    Object Buckets:


