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A Deep Dive into Remote Mount with IBM Storage Scale Ansible Toolkit releases –

By Sujeet Jha posted Tue January 30, 2024 06:21 AM


In the ever-evolving landscape of storage solutions, the IBM Storage Scale installation toolkit has taken a significant leap forward with its release. In this blog post, I will delve into the enhanced remote mount support offered by the Ansible-based automation tool and explore how it has streamlined the process of mounting filesystems from a storage cluster to a client cluster. The blog will walk you through the history, phases, limitations, and workflow, providing a comprehensive guide for users seeking to leverage this powerful feature.

Before the release, the IBM Storage Scale installation toolkit faced limitations in supporting remote filesystem mounts from storage to client clusters. Users found themselves navigating a cumbersome process with manual steps, making it a challenging feature to utilize effectively.

The release brings a game-changing feature to the forefront – the Ansible-toolkit's ability to remotely mount filesystems from a storage cluster to a client cluster. Additionally, the toolkit introduces a feature allowing users to revoke previously configured remote mount filesystems. These advancements mark a significant stride towards a more user-friendly and efficient storage solution.

While the toolkit excels in its capabilities, it's essential to note that remote mount support is currently available exclusively on RHEL and SLES operating systems. Understanding these limitations ensures a smooth integration into environments that align with the supported platforms.

The workflow for implementing remote mount configurations using the IBM Storage Scale installation toolkit is well-defined and user-friendly. The blog provides a step-by-step guide, starting from setting up the installer node, issuing relevant commands, and configuring remote mount user settings. The inclusion of screenshots and command-line examples enhances the clarity of the process.

Remote Mount Configuration Steps:
The blog outlines the necessary steps to configure remote mounts, from downloading and extracting the IBM Spectrum Scale package to setting up the installer node and defining user configurations. Users are guided through the spectrumscale setup command and instructed on using the Ansible-based install toolkit to configure remote mount settings effectively.

# Download and extract the IBM Spectrum Scale self-extracting package on the installer node.
root@test-21:~# /root/Storage_Scale_Advanced- –silent

# Go to the IBM Spectrum Scale installation toolkit directory. 
root@test-21:~# cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/

# Issue the spectrumscale setup command to set up the new installer node.
root@test-21:/usr/lpp/mmfs/ ./spectrumscale setup -s

Pasted Graphic 2.png

# Use the Ansible based install toolkit cli config to define remote mount user config. so the toolkit knows what to act upon.

test-31:/usr/lpp/mmfs/ # ./spectrumscale remote_mount config -client-gui-username admiin -client-gui-password -client-gui-hostname mount-22 -storage-gui-username admiin -storage-gui-password -storage-gui-hostname mount-21 -storage-filesystem fs1 -remotemount-path /ibm/fs1 -client-filesystem fs1
[ INFO  ] Setting client_gui_username to admiin

[ INFO  ] Setting client_gui_username to admiin
Enter gui client password:
Repeat  gui client password:
Enter gui storage password:
Repeat  gui storage password:

Enter the secret encryption key:

Repeat the secret encryption key: 

[ INFO  ] Setting client_gui_hostname to mount-22

[ INFO  ] Setting storage_gui_username to admiin

[ INFO  ] Setting storage_gui_hostname to mount-21

[ INFO  ] Setting storage_filesystem to fs1

[ INFO  ] Setting client_filesystem to fs1

INFO  ] Setting remotemount_path to /ibm/fs1

Steps to Execute the Configured Remote Mount Filesystem:
The blog offers detailed instructions on running a remote mount precheck to ensure the environment is ready. Users are then guided through the process of executing the configured remote mount filesystem using the spectrumscale remote_mount grant command. Furthermore, the blog covers the essential steps to revoke a remote mount when needed.

# Use the Ansible based install toolkit to run a remote mount precheck and ensure the environment is ready for remote mount.

root@test-21:/usr/lpp/mmfs/ ./spectrumscale remote_mount precheck 

# Run the remote mount process by using the ./spectrumscale remote_mount grant command. 

root@test-21:/usr/lpp/mmfs/ ./spectrumscale remote_mount grant 

# Run the remote mount revoke process by using the ./spectrumscale remote_mount revoke command. 
root@test-21:/usr/lpp/mmfs/ ./spectrumscale remote_mount revoke

In conclusion, the IBM Storage Scale installation toolkit's extended remote mount support in the release has revolutionized the way filesystems are mounted between clusters. This blog aims to empower users with a comprehensive understanding of the history, phases, limitations, and workflow, enabling them to leverage this feature effectively in their storage environments. Embrace the future of seamless remote mounts with IBM Storage Scale


