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Fusion Recipe Tips - Using hooks

By Sandeep Prajapati posted Thu February 22, 2024 02:05 PM



In the previous blog, we learned how to “specify Recipe groups” to represent a set of resources in Recipe. In this article, we will explore the creation and usage of hooks in various scenarios of backup and restore workflows, emphasizing their significance.


To backup container applications, only specifying application resources in Recipe groups and taking their snapshots is not always sufficient to guarantee that the application can be recovered correctly. For application consistent backups, certain commands or scripts need to be executed before and after the volume snapshot operations. Same is the case during recovery. In some cases, post actions are required after the resources are restored to recover the application. How to perform these pre and post actions in backup and restore workflows?

While backups are usually straightforward, the major challenge in creating a Recipe is to create a workflow to recover the application. During recovery, application passes through different stages of its deployment. How to validate these intermediate stages to allow smooth recovery of the application?

What are Recipe hooks?

Hooks allow us to run external commands or scripts before and after PVC snapshots (persistent data), scale deployments up and down, or wait for certain conditions (such as pods starting up). There are three hooks available, namely exec, check, and scale. For more details on these see “Specifying a hook” section in the Recipe documentation.

Using Recipe hooks

We can use hooks at various stages of the backup and recovery workflow. Let's create a few hooks to address the given scenarios.

Exec hook

It’s an important hook that allows to run commands or scripts during Recipe backup and recovery workflows. Some common cases where this can be utilized are - to flush the memory buffers, checkpoint database, databases locking, freeze a filesystem etc., so that data is backed up in a consistent state.

An example of exec hook – Flush tables before snapshotting MySQL database volumes.

hooks: - name: mysql-pod-exec type: exec namespace: mysql labelSelector: app=mysql timeout: 60 onError: fail ops: - name: "flush-tables-with-read-lock" command: > ["/bin/bash", "-c", "mysql --user=root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -e 'FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK;'"] container: mysql

In this, command “FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK” is executed in the mysql container and mysql pod was selected using labelSelector app=mysql in mysql namespace.

Call this hook in backup workflow as:

  - name: backup
    - hook: mysql-pod-exec/flush-tables-with-read-lock 
    - group: mysql-volumes

Ability to issue flush commands before snapshot operation helps in achieving application consistency.

Check hook

There are two variants of this hook.
(1) Check hook for common Kubernetes resources such as pod, deployment and statefulsets.
An example of deployment check hook – Verify MySQL deployment ready replica count post restore is same as it was specified in the spec.
  - name: mysql-deployment-check
    type: check
    namespace: mysql
    selectResource: deployment
    nameSelector: mysql
    timeout: 120
    onError: fail
    - name: replicasReady
      timeout: 600
      onError: fail
      condition: "{$.spec.replicas} == {$.status.readyReplicas}"

MySQL deployment resource is selected using nameSelector in mysql namespace and validated as JSONPath expression condition.

Call this hook in restore workflow as:

  - name: restore
    - group: mysql-volumes
    - group: mysql-resources
  - hook: mysql-deployment-check/replicasReady

Validating these conditions during recovery helps determine when to use the next operation or stop the workflow process.

(2) Check hook for custom resources.
An example of deployment check hook – Verify Db2 cluster instance is in ready state post restore.
  - name: db2ucluster-instance-check
    type: check
    namespace: db2
    labelSelector: formation_id=db2oltp-test
    timeout: 800
    onError: fail
    - name: stateReady
      timeout: 900
      onError: fail
      condition: "{$.status.state} == {\"Ready\"}"

Here, du2clusters is a custom resource selected using label of fully qualified resource type <APIGROUP>/<APIVERSION>/<NAME> in the db2 namespace. Finally, validated against JSONPath expression condition.

Use this hook in restore workflow as:

  - name: restore
    - group: db2u-volumes
    - group: db2u-resources
    - hook: db2ucluster-instance-check/stateReady

This check in end ensures that Db2 database is ready to use post restore.

Scale hook

Scale hooks helps during application backup by scaling application resources up or down, or can also be utilized for pod restart requirements.

An example of scale hook – Restart MongoDB pods post restore.

  - name: mongodb-cluster-scale
    type: scale
    namespace: ot-operators
    selectResource: statefulset
    labelSelector: app=mongodb-cluster,mongodb_setup=cluster,role=cluster

This is the scale hook for MongoDB statefulset selected using labelSelector in ot-operators namespace.

Use this hook in restore workflow for pod restart as:

  - name: restore
    - group: mongodb-volumes
    - group: mongodb-resources
    - hook: mongodb-cluster-scale/down
    - hook: mongodb-cluster-scale/sync
    - hook: mongodb-cluster-scale/up
    - hook: mongodb-cluster-scale/sync

Scale down brings pod count to zero, adding sync helps in meeting the desired zero count of previous operation. Similarly, scale up reverts to the original pod count, and further sync ensures all pods are available.


In this article, we explored using different hooks available in the Fusion Recipe with the help of examples. For more details on hooks refer Recipe documentation. In our next blog, will look at writing our first Recipe to get some experience with the framework.

