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IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents
Join us 23 January from 11 AM - 6 PM ET as over 30 speakers from IBM and key AI industry leaders discuss the latest AI trends.
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cmd /c csm-setup-6.3.x-win.exe -i silent -DLICENSE_ACCEPTED=true -DCLI_ONLY_INSTALL=true
HINT: Not only can you schedule the creation of Snapshots and/or Safeguarded Snapshots, but you can now create a CSM Scheduled Task to Refresh Thin Clones. When the task runs, it will find the last successful Snapshot taken and the last thin clone created, and update the thin clone with the Snapshot data. This will allow you to always have a thin clone with attached hosts to test it, without the need to find the volume group to use or to attach and reattach hosts!!
NOTE: In order to associate multiple sysplexes to a single session, all of the volumes in the Metro Mirror pairs MUST be visible (aka IODEF'd) on all of the associated sysplexes. If all the volumes are not visible, the load will fail for the given sysplex.
NOTE: There may be times during the failover to various sites when the Scheduled task with the new commands would fail. However, once the session is back in a full 4 site configuration, it should automatically start working again.
Very informative!