Getting Started
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1. Setup a Migration session where the H1 volume is the same as the existing sources, and the H2 volume is what will be the new source volume.
2. Issue StartGC H1->H2 on the Migration session
3. Update the properties for the Migration session selecting the sysplex/system the volumes are attached to and the checkbox “Manage H1-H2 Migration with HyperSwap”
4. Confirm that Hyperswap configuration loaded (should indicate HyperSwap = Yes on the CSM GUI.
5. Once Progress reaches >99% (recommended), issue the Swap and Sync command.
6. The Swap and Sync command will tell IOS to drive all pairs to MM and then automatically swap the I/O from the H1 volumes to the H2 volumes once all are Prepared/Duplex.
7. If CSM detected existing relationships, you’ll then find a new CSM Migration session automatically created and running between the new sources and old targets.
1. Request RPQ to enable Hardware Reserves support on the DS8000
2. Setup a Migration session where the H1 volume is the same as the existing sources, and the H2 volume is what will be the new source volume.
3. Repeat step 2 and ensure that there is a Migration session for each H1 that is shared across sysplexes, for each sysplex it’s shared in
4. Issue StartGC H1->H2 on all the Migration sessions
5. Update the properties for the Migration sessions selecting the sysplex/system the volumes are attached to and the checkbox “Manage H1-H2 Migration with HyperSwap”
6. Confirm that Hyperswap configuration loaded (should indicate HyperSwap = Yes on the CSM GUI on all sessions
7. Once Progress reaches >99% (recommended) on all sessions, issue the Sync command. The Sync command will tell drive all pairs to MM mode.
8. When all sessions reach a Prepared state and you’re ready to migrate, issue the Swap command to all sessions. NOTE: With Hardware reserves all other sessions may automatically swap when IOS detects a swap has occurred. If it doesn’t, issue the Swap command.
9. If CSM detected existing relationships, you’ll then find a new CSM Migration session automatically created and running between the new sources and old targets.