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What's New in IBM Copy Services Manager

By Randy Blea posted Tue March 15, 2022 05:01 PM


In March 2022 IBM GA'd a new version of IBM Copy Services Manager 

Copy Services Manager Download

IBM Copy Services Manager is a storage replication product that provides a single place to manage all the replication across your IBM storage environment.  With IBM Copy Services Manager customers can simplify the management of their replication solutions while providing disaster recovery and high availability to their applications. 

As always, we're very excited to provide the following key features being released in this new version.  We develop Copy Services Manager in an agile development cycle and as such have included a number of customer requested features!!!

Update log4j to latest 2.17.1 version 

  • CSM provides an interface in order to manage the Easy Tier Heat Map Transfer code.  This code uses log4j for logging purposes and so the CSM installers includes log4j.  On CSM version 6.3.1 and earlier the log4j version included was a v1 version. 
  • Log4j v1 is NOT exposed to the CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability, however, in order to bring the code up to a compliant level for customers, the CSM 6.3.2 release will include log4j v2.17.1.  This version has the fix for CVE-2021-44228 as well as all other known vulnerabilities.

RFE CSM-I-73  Keep base relationships on hardware during Remove Storage System

  • When removing a storage system connection from CSM, a warning dialog is presented indicating that the action is dangerous and that any copy sets with volumes on that storage system will be removed from active sessions.  Prior to CSM 6.3.2 this meant that all relationships on the hardware will get removed. 
  • If the remove of the storage system was done accidentally and Yes is clicked on the warning dialog, this could lead to the need to do a full copy of the data in order to restore replication and disaster recovery protection. 
  • Starting with CSM 6.3.2, the behavior has changed so that when the copy sets are removed from the session, the "keep on hardware" option is used.  This means that the base relationships will remain on the hardware.  If the remove was accidental, the relationships can be assimilated back into a CSM session without the need for a full copy.

RFE CSM-I-9  Support the renaming of CSM sessions in certain states 

  • Customers have been asking for the ability to rename CSM sessions for quite awhile.  Unfortunately, due to the way CSM uses the session name as the unique identifier across all functions of the product, this request has been difficult to provide.
  • Starting with CSM 6.3.2, customer's will now be able to rename sessions, however, because the session name is still the unique identifier, restrictions are in place for when a session can be renamed. 
  • Renaming a session is not supported under the following conditions:
    • If z/OS HyperSwap or Hardened Freeze is enabled for the session.  If a configuration is currently loaded on the z/OS system, the session name is used to manage the configuration.  Uncheck Manage with HyperSwap or Hardened Freeze to rename the session.
    • If the session is one of the following session types:
      • ESESizer
      • Safeguarded Copy for Spectrum Virtualize volumes
      • Any XIV of FlashSystem A9000 session
      • Basic HyperSwap
    • If the session is in a transitioning state.  These include any states ending in "ing" as well as other states where the session is waiting for something to occur based on an event from the hardware before transitioning to a different state.
  • In addition, renaming a session is only supported when the session is in the following states:  Defined, Prepared, Suspended and Protected.  A FlashCopy session can also be renamed when it's in the Target Available state.
  • To change the name of a session, from Session Actions: choose View/Modify->Change Session Name and then enter the new name of the session.

RFE CSM-I-83  New CLI command to display volume TBs managed summary

  • In CSM 6.3.0,  the health overview panel of the CSM GUI was updated to show volume statistics in order to help customers understand the number of volumes being managed by CSM in various roles. 
  • Starting in the CSM 6.3.2 release, this information can now be obtained programatically through the CSM CLI or the CSM REST API.
  • Using the lsvolcounts command on the CSM CLI a list of the counts will be displayed.
  • Using the /system/volcounts REST call, the number of counts and managed capacity will be returned.
  • Data returned includes the following:
    • Number of volumes and Total Capacity for the volumes that are Remote Copy source volumes (which are not also cascaded targets)
    • Number of volumes and Total Capacity for the volumes that are FlashCopy source volumes
    • Number of volumes and Total Capacity for the volumes that are protected with Safeguarded Copy
    • Number of volumes and Total Capacity for the volumes that are Remote Copy or FlashCopy target volumes
    • Total Capacity for all unique source data replicated

RFE CSM-I-59  Automatically switch Global Mirror Master LSSs if the Master LSS is deleted 

  • When CSM starts a Global Mirror session on DS8000 storage systems, it will choose a Master LSS out of all the source LSSs that are being managed by the session.  This LSS is the LSS which all commands are issued to on the hardware.  It is possible though that a customer's configuration changed, such that the Master LSS that was chosen is no longer used by the session or is deleted by the hardware.  In previous releases, CSM does not do anything to automatically change the Master LSS.  The Master LSS shown on the Global Mirror Info tab in the CSM GUI is the same Master LSS that is used until a Recover and restart is issued to the session.
  • Starting with CSM 6.3.2, the session will now do the following actions to either let customers know that the Master LSS is no longer available, or to automatically change the Master LSS if possible.

    • If any command (Start, Pause, Query) fails to the Master LSS, CSM will find another LSS on the same even of odd boundary to issue the command to.  This will help ensure the customer can Suspend or Recover the environment.

    • If the RPO history monitor fails to query the Master LSS three times in a row, the session will display a new IWNR2770E status message indicating that the RPO could not be determined and the session will go into a Severe status.

    • If the session is not "sharing" a GM session with another session(s) and the RPO query failed causing the IWNR2770E message, the session will check to see of the Master LSS is no longer being managed by the session and will automatically Pause and restart the Master using a different Master LSS.
  • New migration solution for migrating to new DS8000 secondary storage systems 

    In CSM 6.3.2, a new solution has been provided to make it easier for customers to migrate from an existing GC/MM secondary DS8000 storage system, to a new DS8000 storage system using DS8000 copy services.  Using the new Migration session customers can setup to incrementally resynchornize the source volumes to the new set of target volumes.   This solution has the following advantages:
    • The Migration session does NOT require a full CSM license.  The Migration session type is available and supported on any CSM installation on a DS8000 HMC without the need to purchase a CSM license.  Only DS8000 copy services will need to be licensed.
    • The solution will work for existing relationships managed by CSM, DSCLI or GDPS.  The pairs do NOT have to part of an existing CSM session to do the migration.

  • The migration can be performed with the following high level steps (see documentation for more details).
    • Create a new Migration session where the H1 volumes are the targets of the current MM/GC secondary volumes and H2 volumes are on the new secondary storage system
    • Issue StartGC H1->H2 to that new Migration session and prime the new secondaries.
    • Issue the Validate for Secondary Migration command to the Migration session which will check the hardware to ensure that all H1 volumes are targets of an MM/GC relationship
    • When ready to migrate and the Migration session is close to being synchronized (~99% progress), issue the Prepare for Secondary Migration command to the Migration session. This command will create a new Migration session from the current sources to the new secondary volumes. And the existing relationships will be primed for incremental resynchronization.
    • When the session reaches the Ready to Migrate state, issue the Migrate Secondary command. This command will establish the relationships on the new migration session so that you now have relationships copying from the sources to the new secondaries.
    • Assimilate the new pairs into the desired management solution.
  • Additional Details:
    • HyperSwap will have to be disabled prior to performing the migration
    • It is highly recommended that you Suspend the existing relationships consistently through the management software managing the pairs, prior to issuing the Migrate Secondary command

RFE CSM-I-77  Ability to call an external script from a Scheduled Task allowing for solutions such as application consistent flashes or Safeguarded Copy backups

  • CSM has the ability to create Scheduled Tasks.  These scheduled tasks allow customers to create actions across one or more sessions in order to easily create automated routines that can either be scheduled, or remotely invoked.  In CSM 6.3.2, Scheduled Tasks have added a MAJOR enhancement.
  • A new type of Action can not be created when you create the Scheduled Task.  By choosing the Action Type "Run External Script" a user can input information that will allow them to invoke and external command or scripts as PART OF the Scheduled Task!!! 
  • By specifying the hostname, userid and password to a server, the action will SSH to that server and issue any command that you can issue through an SSH connection specified on the Command field, which the specified user is authorized to issue. 
  • Optionally you can specify a string in the Success String field, which the action will compare to the stdout after issuing the command.  If the string appears in the stdout the action will be deemed a success.  If a Success string is not specified, then the action will be considered a success as long as nothing is returned in stderr. 
  • So what are the possibilities for this feature?   Well...basically anything you can imagine.  Here are just a few!
    • Create Application Consistent copies ->  Create an action before a Flash or Backup command action that will quiesce the application.  And then another action after the Flash or Backup to restart the application to get an application consistent copy.  <See pic below for example scripts>
    • Run post recovery system automation tasks ->  CSM primarily manages storage replication.  A performing a site switch to a remote site, tasks have to be run to bring your systems up at the remote site such as attaching the hosts to the secondary volumes and IPL'ing the systems.  You can now setup a Scheduled Task that issues a Recover to the CSM session and the remotely invokes a script or Ansible playbook that attaches the volumes to the hosts. 
    • Invoke batch jobs, log collection, etc -> Invoke any number of post command tasks such as starting a set of batch jobs before or after session commands.
    • You name it!!!   -> Create your own script through python, Ansible or another language to enhance what your Scheduled Task does when invoked!
New IBM System Storage Ideas Portal for CSM RFEs!!!

  • The CSM RFE process has been converted to the new IBM System Storage Ideas Portal.  To create an RFE (or what will now be called Idea), use the new link below.  With the change, IBM is moving to a more common Aha! based process for customers to submit ideas across all IBM products. 
  • Don't worry!!!  All of your existing RFEs have been converted as well.  If you visit the link for status on an RFE you have opened, you will be directed to the new link in the Idea Portal.  All votes and comments have been transferred as well.

CSM 6.3.2 What’s New Video

RFE support for Copy Services Manager

If you wish to open a new Request for Enhancement on IBM Copy Services Manager, you can now do so through the following link.

