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How To Setup and Schedule DS8000 Safeguarded Copy with IBM Copy Services Manager

By Randy Blea posted Thu December 03, 2020 03:13 PM

As cyber threats, both internal and external, become more an more concerning, it is important to have a good Cyber Resiliency solution.  DS8000 Safeguarded Copy provides customers a Logical Corruption Protection solution by creating immutable copies of the data on non addressable storage.  Safeguarded Copy lets customers take up to 500 backups of their data helping to secure that data and prevent it from being compromised. 

But does setting up and managing the creation of 500 backups sound daunting? 

Are you wondering just how can you coordinate the creation of that many backups, setup for expiration of older backups and recover from those backups ?

IBM Copy Services Manager is an enterprise replication management product that helps you easily setup and manage your DS8000 Safeguarded Copy solution.  The following video provides a demo of setting up Safeguarded Copy for DS8000 volumes. 

Between the DS8000's advanced logical corruption protection solution and the intuitive, easy to use interface of Copy Services Manager, you'll quickly see why customers have preferred this solution over competitive solutions. 

For more information on DS8900F and it's features visit the product site:
For more information on Copy Services Manager, check out other videos on the CSM Youtube channel:

