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Know IBM Storage Insights Overview and it's value in Just 150 Sec.

By piyush gupta posted Fri September 22, 2023 02:21 AM



As storage estates grow larger, and the storage within those estates offer even greater functionality, Storage Insights wants to help you extract the most value from those assets, as simply as possible.To do this Storage Insights has traditionally focused on the two personas of the Storage Administrator and the Support Engineer.  The Storage Admin wants to use Storage Insights to ensure smooth day to day running of their estate.  And the Support Engineer wants to help the customer resolve any problems they experience as quickly as possible.But as the likelihood of cyber attacks has increased, so too has the focus on keeping IT services secure and therefore ensuring business continuity.  This has lead to us identifying an additional Security Admin persona.  Storage Insights is uniquely positioned to be able to use its real-time knowledge of the storage to spot workload anomalies and participate in a wider threat detection strategy to provide better protection and earlier alerting of any potential attacks.

IBM Storage Insights is really a one-stop-shop for managing your storage environment, raising up device management from the individual device GUIs to a single place where you can understand the overall health of your storage.Alerts and notifications will tell you when there’s something wrong, as well as seeing the overall status on a single dashboard.When you need to understand the characteristics of your environment in more detail, it lets you dive into current and historical performance data across your storage, fabric and hosts so that you can really zone in on hot spots and identify any bottlenecks.Your use of IBM Storage Insights also allows IBM to use AI-assisted technology to identify potential issues in your environment and how to fix them, before they escalate into something more serious.Whilst IBM Storage will proactively raise support cases when required (for example to get a drive replacement), it gives you the ability to raise support cases when you need to, as well as seeing any existing cases which may need your attention.  You can open a hardware case with one button, in less than 60 seconds.  Once the case is opened IBM can automatically collect a log package to speed up the support process. 

Finally, IBM Storage Insights can also help with your planning activity, giving you tools to show capacity trends, as well as helping identify where you can better make use of the storage you already have.

Its not about ‘Why Should You Use IBM Storage Insights’, but really the question for many IBM Storage customers is really ‘Why Wouldn’t You Use It!’ as it’s included with your IBM Expert Care, or your storage warranty and maintenance.

Please look at following 150 Sec Video to briefly hear about Storage insights while more details are available here 

Read more on Storage Insights :
Storage Insights Demo URL :

