WomenTech Global Conference 2023 is a hybrid international conference that was held globally across 165+ countries, fostering innovation with purpose and impact. It is the largest conference for women in technology, this year it had 12000+ participants. The conference was hosted online as well as in person at cities including London, New York, San Francisco, Berlin, Barcelona etc. The conference brought women in technology, minorities and allies from all over the world together through an interactive platform. The WomenTech Global Conference 2023 was held for four days from May 9-12, 2023 (https://www.womentech.net/).
In 2023 the conference had 48+ sponsors/partners which included organisations like Twitter, Apple, GE HealthCare, P&G, DHL, Pepsico, HP, Synopsis etc. The event hosted several sessions on latest and emerging technologies and powerful personal stories to create authentic experiences.
Overall the WomenTech Global conference program was distributed as follows:
Day 1: CHIEF IN TECH SUMMIT 2023: It brought together senior tech leaders, VPs, and C-level executives in technology-driven companies to address today's biggest challenges and shape the future.
Day 2: KEY TECH SUMMIT 2023: It invited tech leaders, engineers, product managers, and women, minorities, and allies working in technology-driven businesses to exchange experience on the latest tech trends, learn new skills, and network with peers.
Day 3: CAREER GROWTH SUMMIT 2023: It was about professional development and advancement. This summit helped to learn about finding a mentor, cultivating a sponsor relationship, and navigating path to a dream career.
I had the opportunity to give a Ted style 20 minute talk on topic "Leveraging High Performance Object Storage for today's AI, Data Analytics and HPC applications" on Day 2 in the "Key Tech Summit 2023 program". I had presented virtually as the conference was not hosted in Asia and it was indeed an unique experience to present the session in Vfairs virtual event platform. I got some queries related to the performance numbers for the IBM Storage Scale High Performance Object storage solution.
This was the second time I presented at the WomenTech Global conference, overall I felt these conferences are excellent opportunities for IBMers, particularly women to demonstrate our work and gain insights from the international community. Personally, it was a wonderful learning experience for me.
Screenshot of the WomenTech Global Conference 2023 in VFairs Virtual Event Environment
Video of my session on "Leveraging High Performance Object Storage for today's AI, Data Analytics and HPC applications"
#wtgc2023 #ibm_storage #hpo #womentech #ibmspectrumscale