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By Larry Coyne ( and Khanh Ngo ( IBM Spectrum Archive is part of the IBM Spectrum Storage software portfolio. It’s designed to address data storage inefficiencies by changing the economics of storage with a layer of intelligent software. Through IBM Spectrum Scale's tiering capabilities, this archive stores every bit of data at an optimal cost, helping maximize performance while ensuring greater security. With the power of IBM Spectrum Archive, users can take advantage of the air gap provided by tape and gain much faster access to data assets1.No need to spend time and resources finding a video of the solution. Now, you can try a free live interactive demo of IBM Spectrum Scale with IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition (EE) to learn and evaluate how this automated archival solution can meet your business needs. Just connect to the fully configured demo system in the IBM Cloud and access IBM Spectrum Archive EE with a virtual tape library environment from IBM Solutions Client Experience Portal (ISCEP) or IBM Training. The access and authentication are automated, so the virtual tape environment in the IBM Cloud is available anytime and anywhere and without the need for any extra software or configurations. Access the IBM Cloud virtual tape lab from Mac, Linux, or Win 10 laptops/computers. The demonstration environment provides the procedures to:
The free course IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition Fundamentals & Lab Access contains the introduction class for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition and the access to the virtual tape lab environment. Instead of saying, "Show me." you can say "Hey, I can try it myself!"Just connect to the IBM Cloud and try IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition to learn about data archival "Hands-on" with a virtual tape library. Select one of the following links:
"This is cool stuff. Where did it come from?"Here are the highlights of the collaboration to get us to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE demo in the cloud: