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Leveraging Storage Scale filehist's age histogram for Optimising Data Archiving Decisions

By KEDAR KARMARKAR posted 24 days ago


By: Kedar Karmarkar and Bipali Gade

Blog By: @KEDAR KARMARKAR and @Bipali Gade

In this blog we explain the functionalities of Filehist, its enhancements and the significance of these enhancements in crafting policies to optimise the data archiving process.

Getting Started with Filehist

Filehist is a sophisticated tool that presents a detailed histogram analysis of files within a given filesystem, with a primary focus on their sizes and the cumulative percentages of both files and space usage. Filehist is at your disposal, as a samples tool included in Scale installation.

The analysis is divided into two parts:
1. Histogram of Files <= One 256K Block in Size
2. Histogram of Files with N 256K Blocks (plus end fragment)

It additionally showcases the output of:
• df -k command, to display the information about disk space usage for file systems
• mmlsfs command to list the attributes of a file system
• tslsdisk, filesystem Disk Information and Status Report
• Filesystem Space Utilization Summary of files, Non zero files and directory

